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Bumpy few months ahead.....literally

Jo wot a great picture.very detailed.you must be getting very excited now .seeing it on the scan makes it all so real.
wishing you lots of luck with the wedding and that's great news about the baby x
Aw amazing first scan pic. I'm baby mad, as I'd love to have one, one day, so can't wait to see your little one develop and come into the world :) exciting :D x
Just popped to check your progress, Jo :) just in time to see your little miracle make his/her debut :D Beautiful ... just like his/her mummy :):)
Hope all is smooth sailing for you, sweetie xxx
I've done it n gone public! 14wk I've kept a secret for! Biggest record ever :D
Well I'm in a hotel with work training this week...And oh dear, baby is loving the carbs, something tells me ill be back on strict diet come next summer :)
Ok so had test results back this week for downs screening etc. I'd had all the scare chats BECAUSE IM 40 etc etc so was well prepared for what the next steps were, only to then get shocker of my life.......1 in 500 odds! That'll do me...anything upto 1 in 70 is high risk..I'm nice n low risk! Break the mould again :) amazing!
I do wonder if the band has played any part now I'm healthy in those odds?! Guess ill never know
on the flip side my mate at 27 just had hers back with 50/50 odds...life can be so cruel, her first baby at such young age... :(
God wot happens now does she have to have more tests.I truly hope everything is ok.
Wonderful news about you test results! sorry about your friends but keeping everything crossed that the luck will be on the other 50% chance for baby's sake. Life is cruel as hell but sometimes it's good and hopefully it will be for your friend too xx
Yes she's gone private for amnio n other screening n gets results Monday x nhs would have been 2wk wait!
Good news, panic over for my friend bless her. On the flip side I've just had 3 days of the squits n sickness bug that's flying around... Blurgh! Had my first bit of food stay down last night :) I really don't do time off work slobbing around well....proper aka man mardy :D (sorry men couldn't resist). Ah well I'm on the mend, which is good as baby must be missing its goodies :) not that I'm counting but 4wk today I find out what kind it's gonna be...a pink or blue sweetie :) x
Very good news about your friend.do you really want to no wot it is.wait for a lovely surprise.
Very good news about your friend.do you really want to no wot it is.wait for a lovely surprise.

I'm too impatient Mimi :)
So daddy is off to the jewellers today...doing everything in reverse having got the wedding rings before the engagement ring...seems I may at last have my rock that actually now fits my smaller fingers ! not worn a ring of any sorts for about 7months...need to go get them all resized..one day! it's the little things with weight loss that make you smile.. Who would have thought it...skinny fingers lol :) anyway...4 days and its the big day... butterflies setting in now :)