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D Day


New Member
Just getting ready for my operation in Edinburgh Royal Infirmary tomorow finding it really hard tonight my kids are so upset as is my wife and I must admit I am scared but hopefully everything will go well and I will be back posting soon :wave_cry:
Wishing you all the very best, I am sure you will be fine, looking forward to hearing about your journey, take care xxxxxxxx
all the very best xxx
All the luck and good wishes being sent your way! You will be oh so fine and will truly amaze your family when the new you starts to emerge...

Hugs n love sent to Mrs Deepblue at what is a very worrying time for partners x
Just reassure your family that they will have you for so much longer because of this operation, and there will be so many more fun times to come soon as you will be a more active and happy Dad x
Please don't worry! The surgeons that do this are amazingly skilled and do this exclusively day in day out.
Nerves just show you are human... we'll see you when you are out the other side and enjoying a relaxing recovery ! All the best to you and your family :)
Hi Deepblue
Try not to worry its quite natural the night before to have all these feelings. I had a bypass 9 months ago and was petrifeid as was my family and i have sailed through it all. You will be fine and keep us posted on how it goes. Nice to see another Scot, we are coming out of the woodwork, the raeson i say that is i am keen to start a support group and there seems to be more of us appearing to help me do that! Good luck for tomorrow and big hugs full of good luck wishes xx
I'm not going to say good luck, because I am sure you won't need it, so instead I will wish you a speedy recovery & look forward to you posting all the details when you are back home with your family & up to it xx
Thanks for all the messages of support thats me just home and everything went well I must admit I did not look forward to the operation but it went well all the staff could not have been nicer I was taken down to the operating room by one of the maddest nurses I have ever met who had me laughing till I was put to sleep.
Whaen I woke up it was the strangest feeling ever and the first thing I did was ask if they had done it I was so releaved when they told me my liver was nice and small and the bypass was a doddle.
The next couple of days were great fantastic staff and great fellow patients my only complaint and its something the bariatric team are dealing with was the fact I was offerd milky coffee as a clear drink and told I could have ice cream anytime I wanted also another guy going through the same operation as me was offerd a sandwich by the staff they dont seem to get the weight loss surgery and as a general surgery ward seem to make a few mistakes.
Glad everything went well with the op. Sounds like the catering staff need some training. Wishing you a speedy recovery, take it easy and sip sip sip.
Happy to hear it all went well for you, apart from the couple of mistakes with the food in hospital. You sound really up-beat, good for you! Take care X
Thanks guys my new life has started and i am going full steam ;)
glad to hear all went ok and look forward to watching you lose those lbsx
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