I . That's a severe assault - they would be smacked once with my punch and then pistol whipped with my bingo wings as I retreated
So 'post operation elation depression' may hit you - duck if you can or accept its normal and will soon pass.
Hugs xxx
I have bleated that I had stalled between week 4 and week 6 as I moved dark liquids to more purée and mash foods. Just washed and dried my hair - and pulled this from the brush which was empty before I dried my hair! Seems I am losing well - my flipping hair!!! It's made me grin as its a least a loss! ???
I am I think - I have between 60 and 80 gms of protein each day. I take all the meds prescribed along with 2 chewable centrum A-Z multivitamins for women aged 50. So I am not sure what else I can do.debs you been taking your vitamins and just stay ontop of your protein that's all.
I am I think - I have between 60 and 80 gms of protein each day. I take all the meds prescribed along with 2 chewable centrum A-Z multivitamins for women aged 50. So I am not sure what else I can do. My GP has said its very normal and some people will experience it regardless of what they do. Telogen effluvium You may experience temporary hair loss weeks to months after a stressed episode like childbirth, fever, severe illness, stress or sudden weight loss, which decreases gradually in a few months. Such type of hair loss is called telogen effluvium. This happens due to changes in the growth cycle of hair, when a large number of hair go into the resting phase (telogen) at the same time.
My birthday today. 48 years of life elapsed! Mike was sweet and bought funny gifts - mini cheddars as I can't have much. Tiny chocolate bites for one a day and other such little jokes - white chocolate rice cakes at 50 calories instead of a birthday cake etc. oh and a lovely pandora ring!
We dined at La Tasca last night which was very manageable and I was able to cope ok at the breakfast buffet. I am so relieved that I've managed the social side of eating again
Have a good day xx
Love that pressie collection, a lovely personal touch. You can get white chocolate rice cakes? :O who knew
Steady on with that Asti..
Hope the rest of the day is fab hun. :flowers:
I genuinely think I am suffering from post surgery elation blues! Before you dash to google to look this up - it is not there - I have just made up the phrase to suit my current state of mind. I have rambled about this on a dear friends diary - but realised I ought to bring it across to my own so I don't forget the rollercoaster journey - and also just in case others feel the same - at least if there are two of us we can try and label it a normal!!!:wave_cry:
All the adrenaline about getting referred for surgery, battling to lose the 5% required, jumping through the many WLS surgery hoops, passing pre ops assessments - not one but 2!, dealing with the blow of having my op cancelled and then having to rearrange life around the new date, fighting the MRSA colony in my nose, convincing my family it was the right thing to do, psyching self up for surgery, then having surgery, the elation of being alive - all of these were big hit emotions.
Now there is none. Now this is my new reality - my irreversible position. No more conversations about will I get it done. Its done. Life now is the daily wake up, what can I eat, why can't I drink yet, why is weight loss slow, blah blah blah. I have mild post surgery depression!! This is now all down to me and my choices for the rest of my life. Of course there are still lots of plusses and I do not regret what I have done at all, but it's a hard path and I've realised that's going to always be the case.
Head hunger and fancying things has not disappeared so willpower is also needed. Now life is about learning to work with the tool, accepting some things are not coming back - like fizzy water and drinking and eating. Its also already clear to me that slider foods which are fattening are not at all difficult to eat - healthy grilled chicken is. Whilst at the moment I am winning the battle - I am already clearly able to see how regain could happen.
It's a roller coaster ride I guess and we cannot get of it - we just have to make each day count and keep focussing on the goals.
Scales are the devils tools. Not seeing weight 'dropping off' and reading of people losing 4-5 stones in a few hours (!!!! - ok I am being dramatic - some fiction helps ) does make me wonder what I am doing wrong. I have days when I eat a good size portion of healthy food then spend about an hour fretting it was too much. What on earth?!?
I am seriously thinking of throwing my scales away! That would be weird as I've weighed myself when at home every day for about 30 years - so to not do so would be strange. But for about 30 years I've dashed into the bathroom naked, gone to the loo, got on the scales - and invariably been depressed for the rest of the day - perhaps as well as removing most of my stomach my surgeon could have cut the tie between me and the scales!
People have now started noticing I am losing weight - which is nice - of course instead of nicely accepting their generous compliment I reply - 'I've lost a bit but I am still enormous'. I wish I could stop being so nasty to myself - honestly if someone else did it I would punch them. That's a severe assault - they would be smacked once with my punch and then pistol whipped with my bingo wings as I retreated
So 'post operation elation depression' may hit you - duck if you can or accept its normal and will soon pass.
Hugs xxx
Greed and Ignoring Signals!
This post is to confess my greed!!
A few days ago I was really having a difficult couple of days - it was like my sleeve was in a bad mood and everything I tried was feeling stuck or causing reflux or generally being hard work.
Tuesday this week suddenly it was though my sleeve was no longer grumpy and food was going in little and often and healthily. Phew - relief!
Yesterday I managed 1 Weetabix and milk for breakfast but I felt I was still a bit hungry.
Today - greedy guts Debs decided to push for 2 Weetabix's for her breakfast as she had got to 12 midday and had not eaten.
Sleeve was NOT impressed and it is now an angry thing again! Like a volcano which is spewing instead of being dormant!
What makes it flipping worse was at 1.5 Weetabix I did the warning burp - which after 6 weeks of living with this easily offended sleeve of mine - I know full well means - stop or proceed at your peril.
Sigh - gripping pain and over salivating. I predict foamies by 1.30pm
Dumb Dumb Dumb on my part.
Moral of this tale - when you burp and your sleeve has only just stopped being grumpy - don't make it grumpy and sore again within 48 hours.
I am off to sit on the naughty step and await the sickness!!!!!!!!!!!