enjoy your family time x
As it's nearly December thought I'd start a thread for those having surgery in December. I'm due to have a gastric sleeve at Kings college, London on 4th December.
With a week to go hoping that the operation does not get cancelled for a second time. Milk diet is going ok. Last working day is Friday and will pack hospital bag etc during the weekend.
I had my christmas dinner last weekend before I started the milk dietlol. I was shocked to find out from my dietitian that people have cancelled their ops before christmas and gone back on the waiting list purely so they can have their christmas celebrations. I just think it is so wrong. If they really wanted it, christmas should pale in insignificance, right? x
I was so appalled I said to the dietitian to tell to them rethink whether this is right for them. She agreed with me but the surgeons must be alright with it! It happens every year apparently. I'm not fussed as it's helped me out. It got me in before christmas with all their cancelled appointments. lol x
I've got a date! SO EXCITED, and yes - it was a christmas cancellation.
Op on the 21st Dec.
I've got a date! SO EXCITED, and yes - it was a christmas cancellation.
Op on the 21st Dec.