london marathon next hun??? x
ols i have a powerplate. I jump on it every morning really wakes me up
Oh Yes Ols and what that might be that you would rather jump on to wake yourself up!!! think Richard is too busy with Shel to obligeI can think of nicer things to jump on to wake myself up in the morning...
Snigger :giggle:
Only pulling your leg, HC... glad you've found something that you enjoy. It really is important to enjoy the exercise you choose to do, isn't it?
I can think of nicer things to jump on to wake myself up in the morning...
Snigger :giggle:
Only pulling your leg, HC... glad you've found something that you enjoy. It really is important to enjoy the exercise you choose to do, isn't it?
its a hard part of this journey, re-training your brain not to comfort eat.
For me, a huge part of that is talking about whatever it is thats bothering me, instead of bottling it up and burying it with food.
Absolutely... but I have to say, I am feeling a bit more brighter now, especially after the wonderful banter on certain threads in the last hour or so
Thanks... you guys are a tonicx