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December 2015 Surgeries

I was awake with hourly obs and still on the morpheme pump, doctor has been round and now thinks the pain could be either a leaky join or internal bleeding!! He has took yet more bloods and then off for my scan the go from there

Hopefully neither of those things! Wishing you well.x
Thinking of you caz hope to hear soon all is well prof ammori is a brill surgeon so fingers crossed it's something and nothing x
How are you Caz.?
Still in hospital, it was dr aktar that did my op and has since said there were a few complications, just waiting to see him today to see what the plan is, I've managed to have a third of a cup of tea but everything I swallow gives me pain so now he wants to do some sort of dye test to look for any blockage, I keep thinking to myself what have I done?!!
Still in hospital, it was dr aktar that did my op and has since said there were a few complications, just waiting to see him today to see what the plan is, I've managed to have a third of a cup of tea but everything I swallow gives me pain so now he wants to do some sort of dye test to look for any blockage, I keep thinking to myself what have I done?!!

I'm sorry things aren't too good for you caz I too thought to myself what the hell have I done could hardly eat or drink as in too much pain yesterday I was a little better and today is a lot better I was very close to going back in to hospital as I actually thought something was wrong I had massive stabbing pain and my abdomen went in to spasm under my rib cage under my left breast I could see my it going in to spasm when it was happening very scary and painful now it's easing off I'm trying to concentrate on getting all my food and drink in to strengthen myself up I hope you get sorted soon I know how hard it can be but at least they are looking in to things for you I was stupid and said I was ok just to get home and had a few scary days thinking something was wrong I hope you get well soon and keep us updated xx
Like SJ said we all question why we're doing this, I'm only 6 days out and whilst things are better, I'm still wondering why I've done this to myself!

I honestly hope that you feel better Caz! It sounds like your medical team are on the ball though because they're trying to get to the bottom of this.

We're all here supporting you! :)
Caz sending huge hugs. I had dye on the day of surgery to see if all was ok I think its showing they are taking care not to miss anything you pee green for a day or so after. Hope to hear from you soon, rest and drink plenty... sips.
Thank u all for your kind words they mean a lot, I have seen the doctor and had my dye test done, the outcome is that the join to my new pouch is too small so they need to re operate to open it slightly, I'm not tolerating anything at the moment so on a drip to keep me hydrated, going to try a little clear soup later, good job I don't feel hungry lol, again thank u all for your concern :)
Thank u all for your kind words they mean a lot, I have seen the doctor and had my dye test done, the outcome is that the join to my new pouch is too small so they need to re operate to open it slightly, I'm not tolerating anything at the moment so on a drip to keep me hydrated, going to try a little clear soup later, good job I don't feel hungry lol, again thank u all for your concern :)

That's good news! And lucky they discovered it so close to the original operation too. Enjoy the pampering - hope it's resolved and you're home soon.x
So glad they have found the problem Caz. Hope it's gets sorted really quickly. In the meantime just take care. Xxx
Merry Xmas everyone, well I have been given the all clear to go home today as long as I manage to keep liquids down then they may not need to operate again phew I'm sooooo glad!
Merry Xmas everyone, well I have been given the all clear to go home today as long as I manage to keep liquids down then they may not need to operate again phew I'm sooooo glad!

That's excellent news Caz! I bet you're really happy to be home for Christmas. Have a wonderful day :D