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Did we expect such a harsh life style change ?

The most difficult thing I have found with my new Gastric Band has been that the weight loss so far has not been as much as I thought it would be. I havn’t had a fill yet so i’m waiting with trepidation for that and hopefully the weight will begin coming off in larger amounts.
I used to eat massive portions with my plate piled high, but now I am eating just a fraction of that (quarter of a can of weight watchers soup when I would have normally eaten the whole can with bread and butter).
I think I had high ideas for the band even though I had been meticulous with my research and question asking.
Sometimes I think to myself ‘I wish I had had the bypass’ but in my heart of hearts im glad to have chosen the band as it fits my lifestyle.
I still have cravings but I am determined not to give in.
I would have to agree with the others, one of the hardest things to adjust to is not having a drink with a meal. I still struggle with eating slowly, but am determined to beat that one over the head. I am not 100% working with the band, I am almost there, but still need to tweek things a bit.
I didnt take the band adjustments seriously enough into the picture,and every time I have one, I find it harder and harder to stick to the phase back to food process. I sometimes get envious of others who have lost more than me, and had the surgery well after me, but I have to realise that my journey, is just that, my journey, and I have to travel my journey and not everyone else's.

I am totally glad that I had this done, and like others, wish I had had it done years ago.

You must have read my mind, I was about to post a thread about feeling deprived at the moment! I am 2 weeks post op and doing well.... physically - however mentally I am feeling a bit low. I am not hungry at all but as some of you will be able to relate to hunger isn't the reason I'm overweight. I have really struggled today, out for the day with the kids and felt really sorry for myself when they were tucking into KFC and sweets at the cinema. IF I was just on a diet and hadn't just had a bypass I would have tucked in with them, thinking oh well, I'll make up for it next week. Only I can't cheat, one episode of dumping was more than enough for me! I just miss texture, strong flavours. I have no regrets at all and maybe I just thought it would be easier than this to get over my habits now that I don't feel hungry. I only hope in a few months time that I can stomach the odd drink otherwise I'll be really gutted. :cry:
i cant believe how easy it has been. I like nic expected to be quite sick and dump frequently but to date 8 months on have only been sick twice and have never dumped but equally havent had anything high sugar or fat to make me do so. I can eat a full range of food including bread and steak and am loving life. Like righard i can spend hours cooing a sunday roast to find myself pushing my food around my plate after a couple of satisfying mouthfulls and wouldt change anything about my journey.
correct me if im wrong guys but the percentage of people that dont have problems after the op are bypassers ? and they ajust quicker ?
Have had no problems with food (4wks post op) but the pains in my chest and sides are still horrendous and i still wish i hadn't had it done - maybe that will change when the pain has gone and i can sleep properly.
got to admit liz im so happy i had the bypass and not the band listening to peoples experiances. but we all choose what we do for a reason. Am i right in thinking that you would of prefered to of had a bypass second time round but yr BMI didnt warrent it? I take my hat off to you banders as you do seem to be more limited in lots of ways with food choices and also getting that sweet spot of restriction
got to admit liz im so happy i had the bypass and not the band listening to peoples experiances. but we all choose what we do for a reason. Am i right in thinking that you would of prefered to of had a bypass second time round but yr BMI didnt warrent it? I take my hat off to you banders as you do seem to be more limited in lots of ways with food choices and also getting that sweet spot of restriction

hi carole i did ask against my better judgement about a bypass as i knew banding was the best choice for me, im now glad they said no due to a low bmi, as banding was always the best choice for my eating habbits/lifestyle.

the reason i asked was panic at the time because my head was saying i love my band but will this happen to me every 3 years ?, im glad ive stuck with my original choice and the decision was taken out my hands the 2nd time as i still believe banding is best for me. xxx
I think with me anyway , I was on a high for a couple of weeks post op. I was relived it was over, and all went without a hitch.

Now having had 1 fill , I am hungry. After surgery when I didn't fell hungry I was thrilled and presumed it would continue like that. I lost a good bit of weight quickly and thought happy days.

I am quite concerned now that this won't work for me. As I paid privately and it cost a huge amount of money I'm really worried.

I have to say without this site I would go nuts !!!
yes i never realised how hard it would be ..

i would say to anyone no matter how much research and how much you know about this op if you think pre op diet is bad then lol wait till after ..

i can honestly say now im 2 months post op i do feel much better and im able to eat most things just small portions that i knew ...

but drinking even when not eating i can only sip i really really miss been able to gulp cold drinks when im hot i gives me a huge stabbing pain if i try drinking more than a bit a time..

and bread i miss more than ever lol ide love a fresh sandwich..

but craving wise i have never wanted anything sweet or felt the need. i use to live my life on 5 a day choc bars lol and cakes and sweet things..

now i dont even like the slightest sweet thing makes me feel ill the taste is rotten..

but trust me this is not the easy option if you think it is u need to really think about this operation cause its a harsh life in all kinds of ways..
my band is 4 wks 2 days old today (my new baby)and i am really happy i did this. yes it cost me a lot of money but iknow it will get me where i want to be. i must say its hard getting my mind around not eating and drinking together and leaving time between both and i do miss gulping drinks like i used to. saying that i can drink more now than i first could. i also worry a lot about my band. did i stretch, drink, eat too much and cause damage.
only this weekend have i felt hungry and so far have had little bits of chocolate. if a choc highlight doesnt work i allow a 1 or 2 squares of tiny bar.
before band my diet was horrendous. choc and biscuits by lorry load, big portions, high cal food, u name it i ate it. now my taste are changing and i feel better. i think once i get into routine and get my confidence that im using band correctly ill be fine.
one thing ive noticed since i have started losing is i can sit for long get numb a***
which wasnt expecting.lol.
looking forward to 1st fill next sat.
Hi guys,
Im 1 week post op and I am surprised by my changing taste buds - before the op my sweet tooth was reaaly bad. I had to finish every meal with something sweet. Now I cant stand anything sweet! Also I have to keep remembering not to gulp down drinks. I feel that everything is new - as if my body is not my own and I have to get use to it again. On the plus side, Ive lost around half a stone in a week so it def does work !:D:D:D
wow dolphin thats a great weight loss welll done xx
Liz I wanted to address your question about bypassers having less problems or adjusting quicker. The truth is that some of us do have less problems and adjust quicker but I don't think it matters if it is band or bypass. Some people were better prepared emotionally than others, some people have higher pain thresholds than others, some people have better coping skills and some people are just plain lucky! The other side of it is that some people are in agony post-op, some people get sick all of the time, some people think everything taste terrible and struggle to even eat enough to keep from starving. These kind of problems happen on both sides of the fence, bypass or band. Some of it can be helped by following guidlines but other things just happen and that person has to deal with it. I guess what I am saying is that it is tough all over. We are all brave soldiers against fat, some of us will have it really tough and others will move through without much fuss. But something we all share is that we have to work at it, it does not happen by on its own for anyone.

hi nic i agree that we are are all individuals, thats what makes us each special in our own way, and yes we all have to work hard to get where we want to be in life no matter what op we choose xxx