I ended up staying much longer than average but I took in two nightgowns and thin dressing gown, 4 pairs of knicks, bra that I went in in but never wore again while in there. Toiletries, nas juice, iphone and two mags. I had to have nighties and briefs taken home and washed as I ended up in for almost two weeks. I am glad I took in sanitary towels as even though I had not needed them for over a year, I needed them after the op sigh!! Apparently its not uncommon for ladies to menstruate following major surgery. (Sorry guys if tmi!)
I do know if I had only been in for a couple of days like I thought it would have been, I wouldn't have needed the magazines or anything to pass the time as all I did was sleep for the first day or so.
The ward supplied me with towels and tissues but I did take mine in but kept them in my case.
Oh and btw, in my case scenario, pj's wouldn't have been very practical at first as I had two drains in and a catheter along with the cannula lines. A nightdress was easier to wear whilst being hooked up to the paraphernalia. But of course not everyone has these post op.