Hi Alia. I was very sad to read about your struggle

, really wished you could have let me know you were having a time of it. I often see your smiling face on my facebook newsfeed so know that I think of you. I am glad that you came on here and opened up so you can get the suuport you need

Time for the support & tough love. Right so first thing is being honest with yourself about what has gone wrong, you can mark that as CHECK! Next is admitting it to others that can listen/support/help, also CHECK! Good going so far. Then there is the need to make a plan of attack, here are my suggestions:
1. Do the 5-day Pouch Test, here is a link:
Surgical Weight Loss 5 Day Pouch Test I personally think it is a brilliant way to reset your eating patterns and strip away your carb eating habits.
2. Instead of removing all sweets from your eating thus creating a 'diet' mentality rather than a lifestyle change, go here
Atkins Product, bar | Sugar Free Megastore, Carbohydrate Diet, shopping, chocolate, diet, food and buy some sensible sugar-free treats so that you don't have to quit cold turkey.
3. Record you food intake on one of the calorie counter sites so you know how many cals you are getting and if you are getting a good balance of protein, veg and fruit. If you need a link to one PM me (they don't allow you to post the link in the main forum).
4. Record your diet daily on this thread
http://www.minimins.com/wls-recipes-forum/74487-gastric-bypass-daily-menus.html so that you are accountable and ask for feedback from others there if you have trouble thinking of daily menus etc.
5. Set small goals for yourself and try to include some that aren't weight/size based but things that effect your quality of life like exercise or outings with your kids/hubby that are difficult for you now.
6. Forgive yourself for the problems you have had and NEVER call yourself a failure. As long as you haven't given up, you can't fail because there is always tomorrow.
Okay, here is the tough love I promised. Get up, dust off the last couple of months and move on. Don't allow yourself to say 'I always fail', it is thinking like that which leads to failure. You must realise that the wls is only a physical tool that
you must put to work, you have never seen a hammer build a house right? Your head is exactly the sames as it was pre-surgery because you have not done the mental work you need to do. So, if you need help to get your head straight, you MUST ask for that help. You have people here that are willing but maybe if that is not enough, then ask for a therapy referral. At the very least ask to speak to a dietician. You must make sure that you get your head right so that your body can follow.
Always know that you have someone to talk to here, you can message me here or on facebook. Just reach out your hand and you will find many hands reaching back, promise.