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February 2014 Surgeries

welcome back laura, good to hear you well as to be expected :) congrats on making the losers bench, can't believe the mishap, one only wonders how that happened! but anyway, its good to have you back, rest up now get plenty of fluids in too. Big hugs hun take care and rest rest rest. Ali and wendy both thru fine, ali had few probs too but doing ok i also believe wendy had a rough few hours but ok now x x x congrats again hun
Just home feeling fragile. There was a slight hiccup and ended up being in theatre longer than expected as, as you will all know they blow your abdomen up with air for more space to do the keyhole well apparently when they're finished they put a tube down your gullet to decompress your abdomen but somehow they mixed the tubes up and didn't realise it was in my stomach and they stappled it into my stomach so the then had to make a hole at the other side of my stomach to release the tube so ended up with both sides of my stomach stitched/stappled. Surgeon said once they were finished all looked ok so I'm just relieved there was no damage done. Struggling with the protein shakes at the moment but just focusing on keeping hydrated until I'm a bit comfier. Hope Ali and wennys surgery went to plan and anyone else who has been in xxx

God Hun, can't believe what they did to you ffs!!! Hope u ok.
Ali xx

previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
I'm home, exhausted but ok. A loser with a by pass :) was in surgery a long time as my last years band removal left stitches in and huge damage to my stomach that was welded to my liver which had to be delicately cut off. O and a hernia ! So once that was done they could carefully do my by pass surgeon says at one time there were three of them working together to get it done in under five hours otherwise they would have had to do a sleeve which wasn't what I needed. How fab is that bless them ?
They did it all in four hours :)
Apart from having heart problems (ffs) afterwards the by pass has been slick n Ive drunk fluids all day n taken meds with no problems. Sssssllllloooooooowwwwwllllllyyyyy. Was well I fessed with Luton in every way.
I'm now home, lots of nasty bugs in the Hugh dependency unit n there wasn't a ward bed so was sent home to keep out if danger as I have an auto immune disease n cant fight Infection.
Got a huge bag of meds n injections to take, :((( going to bed now as I'm shattered. Thanks for good wishes.
Great stuff Laura and wenny, ( not heard from her tonight :( )
I'm proudto be a loser in such great company. Mwah x

previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
Well done all last week's newbies, who's up next week, I've lost track :)

Georgie goes in Sunday for Monday op x

previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
I'm home, exhausted but ok. A loser with a by pass :) was in surgery a long time as my last years band removal left stitches in and huge damage to my stomach that was welded to my liver which had to be delicately cut off. O and a hernia ! So once that was done they could carefully do my by pass surgeon says at one time there were three of them working together to get it done in under five hours otherwise they would have had to do a sleeve which wasn't what I needed. How fab is that bless them ? They did it all in four hours :) Apart from having heart problems (ffs) afterwards the by pass has been slick n Ive drunk fluids all day n taken meds with no problems. Sssssllllloooooooowwwwwllllllyyyyy. Was well I fessed with Luton in every way. I'm now home, lots of nasty bugs in the Hugh dependency unit n there wasn't a ward bed so was sent home to keep out if danger as I have an auto immune disease n cant fight Infection. Got a huge bag of meds n injections to take, :((( going to bed now as I'm shattered. Thanks for good wishes. Great stuff Laura and wenny, ( not heard from her tonight :( ) I'm proudto be a loser in such great company. Mwah x previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
jeezo Ali tough time you've had! So glad bypass went ahead. Take it easy now your out. Plenty rest and hope your not in too much pain xxx
I'm home, exhausted but ok. A loser with a by pass :) was in surgery a long time as my last years band removal left stitches in and huge damage to my stomach that was welded to my liver which had to be delicately cut off. O and a hernia ! So once that was done they could carefully do my by pass surgeon says at one time there were three of them working together to get it done in under five hours otherwise they would have had to do a sleeve which wasn't what I needed. How fab is that bless them ?
They did it all in four hours :)
Apart from having heart problems (ffs) afterwards the by pass has been slick n Ive drunk fluids all day n taken meds with no problems. Sssssllllloooooooowwwwwllllllyyyyy. Was well I fessed with Luton in every way.
I'm now home, lots of nasty bugs in the Hugh dependency unit n there wasn't a ward bed so was sent home to keep out if danger as I have an auto immune disease n cant fight Infection.
Got a huge bag of meds n injections to take, :((( going to bed now as I'm shattered. Thanks for good wishes.
Great stuff Laura and wenny, ( not heard from her tonight :( )
I'm proudto be a loser in such great company. Mwah x

previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
So pleased you are ok and that it all went so well. Congratulations. Rest up now and I wish you a speedy recovery xxx
Had a band 4th feb (weeks past Tuesday) everything being going ok until this morning. I have got out of bed and I have had a constant pain in my stomach just above my belly button all morning. Anyone else had this?
Had a band 4th feb (weeks past Tuesday) everything being going ok until this morning. I have got out of bed and I have had a constant pain in my stomach just above my belly button all morning. Anyone else had this?

Wind ????

This isn't all the meds!!! Got to get some from gp too!!! Taken those first thing n I'm so full! Least I'm getting them down :) blinking loads of them heh?
Constipation is my problem. It's a nightmare! I've used several things, keep trying different ones til you find one that works x
This isn't all the meds!!! Got to get some from gp too!!! Taken those first thing n I'm so full! Least I'm getting them down :) blinking loads of them heh?
I have loads to take too! Developed a rash down my left hand side under my boob n down my stomach so consultant said I've to stop taking any meds I didn't take while in hospital and I've to go back into the ward on Monday so the consultants can check over xx
I have loads to take too! Developed a rash down my left hand side under my boob n down my stomach so consultant said I've to stop taking any meds I didn't take while in hospital and I've to go back into the ward on Monday so the consultants can check over xx

Be careful, meds reaction can be nasty xx

previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
Once glue off I can shower. Nothing to do, all dissolves inside. You in win today? I am, but ad to come after morphine ended

previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
Once glue off I can shower. Nothing to do, all dissolves inside. You in win today? I am, but ad to come after morphine ended previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.

I get mine out on wed. I had some wind pain mainly in the hospital it's mostly eased now. I was on oramorph in the hospital but mainly thru the night. Since I've come home I've only really needed paracetamol. I've been given Codeine but don't want to use it as it is not sugar free and may make me dump altho my dietician thinks the amount is very low so unsure but also as codeine makes you constipated so holding off taking it. Fingers crossed so far not needed it. I just feel uncomfortable more than anything. Did you get pain meds for coming home xx
This s what I came out with. Gp has to prescribe something. I'm trying to work this lot out. It's a lot to take on eh? Constantly thinking of me meds void drink, when to the things!!!! Eek

previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
This s what I came out with. Gp has to prescribe something. I'm trying to work this lot out. It's a lot to take on eh? Constantly thinking of me meds void drink, when to the things!!!! Eek previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.

My list is pretty similar it is a lot to take feel like I'm filling up on meds b4 I'm even getting a start on fluids or protein. Only managed about third of shake n had some soup and fruit tea. Finding nothing really quenching my thirst tho and protein shakes are making my mouth disgusting! So I've been sucking on some crushed ice. It's really good xx