I'm home, exhausted but ok. A loser with a by pass

was in surgery a long time as my last years band removal left stitches in and huge damage to my stomach that was welded to my liver which had to be delicately cut off. O and a hernia ! So once that was done they could carefully do my by pass surgeon says at one time there were three of them working together to get it done in under five hours otherwise they would have had to do a sleeve which wasn't what I needed. How fab is that bless them ?
They did it all in four hours
Apart from having heart problems (ffs) afterwards the by pass has been slick n Ive drunk fluids all day n taken meds with no problems. Sssssllllloooooooowwwwwllllllyyyyy. Was well I fessed with Luton in every way.
I'm now home, lots of nasty bugs in the Hugh dependency unit n there wasn't a ward bed so was sent home to keep out if danger as I have an auto immune disease n cant fight Infection.
Got a huge bag of meds n injections to take,

(( going to bed now as I'm shattered. Thanks for good wishes.
Great stuff Laura and wenny, ( not heard from her tonight

I'm proudto be a loser in such great company. Mwah x
previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.