im the biggest wimp going and i did fine lol the wind pain after was the worst. For me a few stones off would be great just enough to get my mobility back then at least i can get out and walk which all helps

Eating afterwards is so different from area to area, im on sloopys for 4 weeks post then onto mushys then back to more solid food. At this stage while still healing the portions are small be completely do able

you will be fine hun trust me x x nerves are to be expected once your there and everything starts to happen it will fly by. My worst bit was waiting in waiting room had to be there at 7 and didn't go down til 1.30 fortunately there was another lady waiting, having bypass, she was as cool as a cucumber

talking to her kept the nerves at by although every time the door went my heart was thudding lol

i wish you well hun x x x