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February 2014 Surgeries

We've been together 14.5 years n married almost 13. I met him whilst going through a nasty divorce. I knew I'd be with him forever the day I met him :) and I was never going to c a man again ever at that time :/ I met him when heavy, lost my weight after a band, piled it back on with ill health, n he's holding my hand getting back to the me :) Our wedding in Sri Lanka :) previous bander, revision to by pass.

What a beautiful picture and such a lovely story! :) I've been with my husband nearly 6 years and we've been married a year past dec and I feel the same! It's good to have such good support isn't it xx
What a beautiful picture and such a lovely story! :) I've been with my husband nearly 6 years and we've been married a year past dec and I feel the same! It's good to have such good support isn't it xx

After being married 18 yrs to someone that did everything wrong to me, its lovely to be with a soul mate :) that pic on my bridesmaid ele was funny, you ever seen a bride climb on the top of a concrete pool filter shed, oik her long gown up n sit stride a huge elephant!

previous bander, revision to by pass.
After being married 18 yrs to someone that did everything wrong to me, its lovely to be with a soul mate :) that pic on my bridesmaid ele was funny, you ever seen a bride climb on the top of a concrete pool filter shed, oik her long gown up n sit stride a huge elephant! previous bander, revision to by pass.
Hahaha no can't say I have ever seen that! I now have a funny mental image in my head haha I'm sure you done it very elegantly :p as I would have :p xx
Hahaha no can't say I have ever seen that! I now have a funny mental image in my head haha I'm sure you done it very elegantly :p as I would have :p xx

Nope! But I was gonna get on that beast, I looked like a floundering idiot I expect. Getting off was worse!

previous bander, revision to by pass.
Haha brilliant!! I woulda been exactly the same :) xx

When we paraded round the hotel grounds on monica, there had been a large group of scousers arrive n cos we had to move our hips together or fall off, baz being behind me , u can imagine what some of the loud beer related comments were which made us laugh. They had to put music ontop to drown out the comments lol :)

previous bander, revision to by pass.
Woke up n completely forgot I'd had surgery today, which is great :) trouble is I gulped a drink, then I found out I'd had surgery!! Don't think ill forget again in a hurry :/ lesson learned, felt well wierd.

previous bander, revision to by pass.
Woke up n completely forgot I'd had surgery today, which is great :) trouble is I gulped a drink, then I found out I'd had surgery!! Don't think ill forget again in a hurry :/ lesson learned, felt well wierd. previous bander, revision to by pass.

Was it painful, uncomfortable? X
Was it painful, uncomfortable? X

Very uncomfortable n spaced out more than painful Hun . Just made me feel very strange . Went in five mins.

previous bander, revision to by pass.

Down to a size 20 from 22/24. Got six pairs of as new simply be next n ms trousers n jeans now obsolete . Some still with tags on.
Where do ppl sell there good stuff, e bay, on here?
Having a hard day doing presentations, had two mugs of soup but needed satisfaction. Now I'm sucking a delicious Adkins chocolate fudge mint bar n its heavenly :) 2.4 carbs, 2 sugar n 15 protein. Very nutritious n tasty. Bought from bariatric megastore. Ideal as it melts n is satisfying. :) lets hope it all stays down a s I need to finish this work! :)

previous bander, revision to by pass.
LOL an awful lot of sucking going on here LOL I sucked one of hubby's niknacks earlier it was blooming delicious. Hope the presentations going well hun. Ebay for clothes although val did start a sell swap thread on here somewhere worth checking out :) x x
I got band on 4th feb 14 (3-4 weeks ago) I have just started purée food this week. I feel tonight I must of over eaten I have a pain under my left breast? Would this happen if I've over eaten? How do I settle it?
LOL an awful lot of sucking going on here LOL I sucked one of hubby's niknacks earlier it was blooming delicious. Hope the presentations going well hun. Ebay for clothes although val did start a sell swap thread on here somewhere worth checking out :) x x

I've scoffed the lot! Melted down :) that's high protein for the day then n low sugar n carb.

previous bander, revision to by pass.
LOL an awful lot of sucking going on here LOL I sucked one of hubby's niknacks earlier it was blooming delicious. Hope the presentations going well hun. Ebay for clothes although val did start a sell swap thread on here somewhere worth checking out :) x x

Lucky hubby, you r feeling well!!!!!!!!!

previous bander, revision to by pass.
Ali, the chocolate brownie and chocolate orange ones are also rather lush. I keep it in the cupboard and if I fancy some chocolate I cut a 10g piece and chomp away, usually does the job. I can pick them up in Asda :p
What are these chocolates you guys are talking about?? Xx

Atkins protein bars Kirsty, they are surprisingly rather tasty. Low sugar and carbs but high in protein. I find them great if I'm fancying a bit of chocolate. I think there is about 220 cals in a 60g bar but I cut them up into 6 and the bar usually lasts me a week x
I've had a full day of full on brain work n had to find some energy. Not something ill do always but I'm off to Belfast fir two days next tues eve n had to finish this presentation. Im soooo tired now. I'm talking at at a conference. Not something sensible to do less than two weeks out with an ounce of common sense, but they Booked me n paid for flights just prior to my date. Grrrr hospital are fine with me going so it gets me back to me. Ill have a day in between to rest n do what we want. May go to the titanic centre.
I've got pass for my liquid food to fly with me too and a letter from the hospital. Thankfully my 16 yr old daughter is talking too so we can look after each other. These bars will come in handy if I'm not getting enough food too, a d the lush conference buffet will be a no no.
There are many types of meal replacement bars out there, I've got many stashed for just this type if occasion :)

previous bander, revision to by pass.