New Member
wow im jealous gerry!!! lol that diet is pure luxury compared to my soup and yoghurt lol lol!!!!
Donna xx
Donna xx
Hi Gerry,
I was told it goes on your bmi and health and you are an ideal candiate....... if you have diabetes then my gp says that is even more a reason!!!!!!!
Jump up - and fight you have a right to this!!!!!!!! phone your consultant and do it now, today asap...... show them you mean business.......... try your pct, try your mp if you have to... it is unfair how you are being treated.......
SO my talking to you is FIGHT
I've done nothing but cry all afternoon. Cried in the car, cried in the loo, cried in my cup of tea...:cry:
I really don't feel that I can touch our meagre savings to go and have this op done privately. I'd feel so selfish when we have such a big family.
It just makes me peeved that my friend was given it without all this hassle (not that I begrudge her it by any means), and with all my disabilities and health problems, I have to waste time and money (the course is not free) to attend something which is totally useless to me.
Off to find a dry pillow to cry into :break_diet:
Oooo GerryWell, after a rotten mainly sleepless night, I got up today and made a list of people who I could phone to see if I can get round this 'spanner in the works'.
After chatting for nearly half an hour with the Department Manager at the PCT, I have been told that it is not necessary for me to attend this Weight Management course, as in my situation it would not be to my advantage. She has suggested I see my GP again and tell her what we have discussed and that she should write to the PCT, marking it for this lady's attention and ask for an assessment for Bariatric Surgery. She should also give full details of my disabilities and other conditions and state that this weight management course would not be beneficial to me, as it is designed for purely overweight people, not overweight people with disabilities such as mine. So, things are looking up again.
I could have done without that downer, and last night was seriously thinking about giving up (what a looser I am to even consider giving up so easily). I feel much more positive again now, especially since she has said that once I have passed the assessment, then I can have the op at any of the hospitals they are in partnership with - including Charring Cross
My apologies if I sounded like a right old manic depressive yesterday. It doesn't take me long to get back on my feet (unless I fall over :giggle to write my letter to the GP
Thanks Nessa, Nic & Lyn.
I'm feeling back to how positive I was before now. We are taking the letter to put through the Doctor's door when we go out today Hubby taking me to buy a birthday pressieNot that I'm sure what I want yet. Probably more craft stuff or dolls house/miniature stuff. Off to a dolls house & miniatures fair tomorrow, so lots of opportunity to buy bits and pieces - yaaay !