Thanks Mandy. I'm sure I will get there in the end. When the receptionist told me the GP I see was not in till Tuesday, I realised there wasn't much point in getting in a flap over it, so I will just have to be patient and wait for Tuesday to come round. Needless to say Tuesday morning I will be on the phone again asking if the GP has seen my letter.
I did get some literature in the post today from the lady who phoned from the Weight Management place. It's all stuff I basically already know though, so mot really that much help, although I appreciate she meant well.
The thing is, when you are being told to eat food that you really can't stand; how is that meant to help you? I could never eat all bran (it tastes like cardboard) or salads (I've always hated eating plants). Not saying I pig out on cream cakes, but I eat things like museli or toast or a yoghurt for brekkie, a sandwich for lunch and a proper meat and veg dinner. I would fall into a pit of depression if I lived on all bran and salads or so called 'diet shakes'. Then I would pig out on cream cakes !
Anyway, fingers crossed that my GP will say that she will refer me direct to the consultant, and that he will take me on for the bypass. It says on their website that referrals are seen within two weeks, so who knows, maybe in a months time I may hear something.
Fingers crossed.
Sorry I've not been around much - been pretty poorly for the past few days.
On Friday, I left a message on the answer phone of the Weight Management Coordinator. Well, yesterday afternoon she phoned me. She was ok to chat to, and she did say that if a patient had other health problems, then they usually advised against them doing the weight management course, as the instructors were gym instructors and not medically qualified. Good thinks me. I told her my conditions and then it sounded like she was changing tack and saying that I should go there. Then she said she would call my doctor and explain what it was all about. My first thought was "oh God, she is going to say that I am just someone who doesn't want to help myself and am therefore a prime candidate for it". I openly said to her that the Consultant at Charing Cross had told me to ask the GP to refer me direct to him, and that I would appreciate her not saying anything to my GP that might encourage her to force me onto this weight management course. I told her that if the GP refused to refer me direct, then that would be it, as I would not do this course as it was not right for me, and I had others backing to say so.
I've still not heard from the GP. Phoned today and the letter is on the system but the GP is not in until tomorrow, so she will probably read it then. Hopefully she will just do the referal, but until I hear from her I will be biting my nails over wether this other woman from weight management gets to her first.
Going back for a lay down - still feeling pretty rotten. Will let you know when I hear.
Thanks Frosty. Having dwelt on it overnight, I am almost at the point where I truly want to give up. I've done nothing but cry on and off since hearing the GP's message (crying now as I type). All I can think of is that I want to live, but they are just putting impossible hurdles in my way. It's like they are saying "'re just another one who wants a quick fix and doesn't want to help yourself".
I know I will never overcome my fear of these organised group things - if I could then I'd have joined every weight loss group going by now. As it is, I've tried following their plans at home on my own but they don't work.
I'm going to phone back the lady at the PCT today and see what she can recommend. Hopefully she will remember me and may be able to suggest something. She was really understanding and helpful when I spoke to her.
Sorry I've not been around for the past week. Truth is there was nothing to tell until today anyway, and have been rather rushed off my feet. My ex-Mother-in-Law died last Tuesday. Whilst she is no longer any connection to me, she is still my kids Nan, and ex-husband's mother. He was here when he got the phone call. It's been quite a shock to the whole family.
Have made two more calls to the surgery in the past week as I hadn't heard back from the GP, each time leaving a message, each time not getting a call back, so on Thursday (after yet another day with no call back) I phoned and left a message asking if she either wanted to call me or did she want me to make an appointment to see her. She was in today and finally called back (I'd said don't call until after 3.30pm as I was out - she called at lunch time and left a message :sigh.
Basically she has said that the Surrey PCT have very strict rules that you have to follow their guidelines (which means the Weight Management Course :cry. She said I could leave another message with the receptionist if I wanted to. I was not a happy bunny. My (male) friend was here when I listened to the message and heard it with me. I went off and shut myself in the loo and cried. I'm kind of feeling like what is the point. I'm just piggy in the middle now, as the consultant at Charring Cross has said I can just be referred direct to him, and the Manager at the section in the PCT who deal with the funding also said I did not need to attend the Weight management course. Both of them are telling me I don't need to, yet the GP is going by what she has received in the paperwork from the PCT - even though the PCT have told me that I don't need to do the stupid course.
I don't know what to do next. I don't know if the woman from the weight management course did speak to her and tell her I was a prime candidate, or what. I feel like giving up. I don't adapt well to change, can't stand group things, can't travel or attend appointments on my own etc etc. Hubby doesn't have enough holiday to take a day off for 12 weeks on the trot to take me to this group thing that I would not be able to handle anyway. If he done that, then he wouldn't have enough time left if and when I did get the op, to be at home to help me and take me to the appointments for that, so whichever way we go I can't win. I just want to howl and howl.
I also feel a total fool, because I have been telling family and friends that I am going to be having this op, now it doesn't look like I will be able to.
Going private isn't an option as Tax Credits have decided they have overpaid us £3K, and we have to pay that back.
There is no way going private is an option for us now.
Anyway, I will probably go along and see my GP again, to tell her that I am feeling like piggy in the middle, and exactly what the manager at the PCT told me and what the consultant told me, and how I can't get to this course (which has now already started, and which I can't afford, nor could I cope with etc).
If she won't help, I will try seeing my specialist at the hospital about my HMS, and see if he will do me a referral instead. I just wish my GP would listen and understand what I have said.
Sorry to just have a rant, not really feeling up to much else just now.
Just had a bit of good news for a change. Hubby's had a letter today from a neighbouring distric council. In March, I parked outside the cemetery where my Mum & Dad are laid to rest. It's a very narrow road with busses and cars trying to get through. I put my passenger side wheels on the pavement and slid across the car to get out that side as it takes me longer to get in and out than it would do with an able bodied person, what with traffic coming past pretty fast.
It was the first time I'd got out of the house for weeks (other than the daily school run) and we made a good job of tidying up my Mum and Dad's grave.
Two weeks later I got a parking ticket through the post. Spotted with two wheels on the pavement and fined £50 or £100 if I didn't pay within two weeks.
Hubby wroted to them explaining why I had parked like that (certainly not a narrow pavement and plenty of room to get past). He said he appreciated they had seen my car parked in that way, but hoped they had also seen my disabled badges and the scooter in the boot of the car. He also said how it was easier for me to get out like that, and that I was conscious of people getting past as I needed to myself etc. He ended by asking if we were to assume that disabled people were only welcome at the cemetery on a one way visit - feet first.
Anyway, todays letter from them says that given the circumstances, they are cancelling the ticketYAAAAAY !!
Still very sleepy and coming up to TOTM, so have stopped taking my iron pills as there is no way I can go through what I went through last month where I kept passing out.