Well ... I don't know if this qualifies as an NSV - yesterday I went to a see a contemporary dance company at a major arts venue in central London. I was buying a bottle of water at the bar, when I became aware of a good looking man checking me out up and down in what I can only describe as an admiring (poss even lustful) way! I was wearing black ankle studded cowboy boots, black leggings, a black mini dress and a short tight-fitting denim jacket - all in size 14. It felt good, and I felt confident. Oh, and I did not have to squeeze into the tip-up theatre seat, worrying it would collapse under my weight - as it did once when I was a fat child over 40 years ago and I remember the mortifyingly hideous humiliating incident like it happened yesterday. No one if ever going to laugh or ridicule me for being big ever again!