Karen I hope you take this in the way its intended as I have no wish to offend you, but you need to take a second to consider why it is you made the decision to have this surgery
You are going through the phase that we all reach where we question our decision, and whether we made the right choice. I'm not talking about the buyers remorse you get when you're very new out, I mean that there comes a point in this process when you realise that this
IS FOREVER and the enormity of that can overwhelm you for a while, it did me.
I struggled with this for a while, months in fact where if they could have put me back to how I was, I would have done it gladly. The thought of having to watch what I eat for the rest of my life just crapped me out
You asked us if we felt you were eating too much, and maybe didn't get the replies that you wanted to hear, but the truth while it might hurt is always better than kittens and rainbows.
Is two slices of pizza too much? well for me half a slice would be too much, not because I couldn't fit it in, just because at your stage it is a very bad choice, at my stage it would take me back to the dark side
Your surgeon fixed your stomach, only you can fix your head and by that I mean your attitude and relationship with food. I don't believe that you went through the rigors of surgery and the last two months to just give up at this early stage. You just need to ask yourself why you did this and what you wanted from it.
Those who think that post op life means that they never have to worry about what they eat again, or think that the weight is gone forever

are deluded. Post op
we are on a diet for ever, the surgery just takes the grind out of it.
A great deal of money is invested in giving us the chance of a better healthier life at a normal weight. We have to repay that debt by doing our bit to give it the best shot we can, I believe that we owe it to the NHS, the others on the waiting list who haven't had the chance yet, our families who support us, but mostly ourselves. Karen you have already put a huge amount of effort into this, if you just give yourself the time to get over this then I know you can do this
What worked for me was when someone advised me that before I put some dodgy food in my mouth, I should ask myself if I would be comfortable calling my surgeon to tell him. If the answer is no, then it shouldn't go in. It helped me and still does. I'm far from being one of the "Perfect ones" and I will eat a bag of crisp maybe every two weeks, but some things I have no control with so I avoid them
So again I have no desire to offend Karen and I think maybe you should talk to your GP about this they might be able to help you through. Good luck with it x