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Hi, hope it all went well!!! I'm booked in for 11th April. How are you feeling?
Hi, hope it all went well!!! I'm booked in for 11th April. How are you feeling?
Oh Jenna so pleased you're ok!!! Tell me everything x
Flipping heck superwoman or what??? You star and that made me chuckle about your ginormous stomach, wonder whether mine will be? Sounds like you did so well, I hope my journey is so smoothx
congrats on being post op remember to rest in between for a speedy recovery
Well, once I got there it went pretty quickly. They put in the cannula (which given my needle phobia didn't go too badly) and injected the stuff, couple deep breaths and the next thing I knew I was waking up in the recovery unit four hours later. Got up straight away as I wanted a wee and to change my clothes. I highly recommend getting up and moving around as soon as you physically can as it keeps your muscles from getting too stiff. First thing I said to my hubby when he came to visit me was, "I went for a wee all by myself!"he was duly impressed. I then walked to my room and the surgeon came to have a chat. Said my stomach was so ginormous (his word) that he's not surprised that I wasn't able to lose weight. My body always thought I was starving because I never was full. It took me a while to get used to drinking the correct amount as I couldn't distinguish between feeling full and trapped wind. But I found that crossing my arms across my chest and then pulling them back while I walked helped move the wind quite well so I was able to drink quite a good amount. They took more bloods after to check that my levels were alright (wbc count was high so they had to do it again the next day to make sure I didn't have an infection). Then I just roamed the corridors with a cup in hand. Walking was what saved me. Sleeping was horrible as I could never find a decent position and getting up in the mornings was the worst due to stiffness. I'm home now and have so far managed to keep down everything I've had to drink and I've been on an hour walk. Resting now til bedtime and starting over tomorrow.
Thanks. I'm still trying to find the balance between resting enough and not. I'm normally pretty active, so sitting around makes me antsy. It's getting there though.![]()
rest is essential aswell as some minor exercise or you might overdo things and set yourself back
hows it going now hope all is still well and your on the road to recovery
Hello! Hope every one is well! I get to try going back to work this afternoon (though I'm technically off until next week). I've told them absolutely NO heavy lifting for the next 6 weeks at least. Wish me luck for the 5 hours I'll be there.![]()
Good luck JennaMeri!!! Hope all goes well!!! How far post op are you??? I am 1 month as of yesterday since I had my sleeve, all is going well, although today have a slight intermittent stabbing pain in my left abdominal area - I think I did a bit too much ironing yesterday!!! So resting up today!!!
Good luck - don't do too much!!! Love sal xxx
Thanks! I'm 2 weeks post op. My left side is still uncomfortable but I expected that. I managed to reorganise the garage yesterday... took me two hours, but I was pretty much shattered afterwards. Goos idea to rest!![]()