Thanks for all the kinds words of support!! This is the first time i've been able to get online since yesterday and I have some fab news, it's all go for next week!!
My boss who I've always kept updated about my surgery knew how much it meant to me so she went into work early on my behalf yesterday to do the pleading for me, i had no idea that she'd done that until I arrived at work and she called me to her office to give me the news! I'm so unbelievably happy, I've had a fixed grin ever since

She's taken me off the rota until February and doesn't want me to set foot in the building till then at the absolute earliest. She gave me time off the unit to call Mr Ahmed's secretary to confirm I could attend, when I got through she'd had to give my slot on the 22nd away but offered me the last slot of the year on the 23rd instead and I'll be the only one in that day so should be done fairly early on
I've never looked forward to Christmas more than I am now
H xx