sorry ive not updated for a while but cant spend too long on the laptop yet!!
im all done and dusted!! im now 5 days post op and feeling better each day, my main problem is my wound being tight and tugging a bit but otherwise no problems!
i arrived at the hospital just before 7am and still didnt really feel as nervous as i thought i would! i was more worried about my hubby worrying about me!! after arriving i was seen by one of the nurses (who were all lovely) and they went through all my theatre check list etc and after changing into my lovely gown and sexy teds stockings (i know how could my hubby resist me!!!!) my cons came and spoke to me and got me to sign my consent form and told me i was second on his list after a bypass, and then i saw the anaesthetist. me and hubby sat watching telly asking if each other were ok at 2 minute intervals!!! and the nurse came in at 10:30 to ask if i was ok and that it wouldnt be long then 2 seconds later came and said they were ready for me!!! Hubby walked me the short distance to theatre and had a bit of a sob! (or there was lots of dust in the air as he likes to say!!)
ive never had an anaesthetic before and was more concerned about that and the state of my liver than thinking any further than that! Theatre staff were lovely so calming! the anaesthatist struggled putting a venflon in my hands and after 3 attempts got one in to give me a sedative that made me stop shaking and then the next thing i remember is waking up mumbling did he do it?? was my liver ok ??!! and then felt a pain in the top of my tummy for which they straight away gave me more morphine.
i was back in my room talking to my hubby 2 hours after walking down to theatre! if i made sense im not sure!!!
Thankfully no catheter just them horrible teds stockings that i have to wear for 2 weeks

after 2 hours being back i decided i wanted the loo and asked them to help get me up but was too soon and i went all faint and clammy and they quickly put my oxygen back on and lay me back in bed....opps! they said i was ambitious!! i just felt dizzy and sick a lot but i think that was because of the morphine i had had. i started to sip water after coming back from theatre which was lovely after not having anything since midnight the night before!
i slept on and off and was sat up changed into my nightie and going to the toilet on my own by 6pm i felt tired but ok, the night staff at 9pm decided after i had drunk a full jug of water i could have my first cup of coffee and milk for 2 weeks!! it was heaven! had a strange night sleeping on and off and bp checks etc but by 8am i was up, washed and dressed ready to go! the nurse came and asked me if i wanted to try some yogurt i think i nearly bit her hand off!! but could only manage a few licks of a teaspoon full!!!! it was a strange feeling, at this time even though i know my stomach is still swollen i felt like i had made the right decision for me to have a band rather than bypass,
a nurse gave me a bag with clexane for me to inject myself for 6 days and disolvable paracetamol (euch!!) i cannot stand disolvable medication they make me want to be sick especially as now i cannot gulp it down!!! that is strange trying to remember not to gulp anything fast. i had a milkshake the other day and started to gulp and then though s**t i shouldnt do that!!! anyhow i was home and on the sofa by 12md and was happy to be home, tip- make sure you take a cushion and blanket for the journey home!
ive really got a great amount of restriction at the minute, i am struggling to eat more than one teaspoon of yogurt for my breakie, 1-2 teaspoon of soup for my lunch and same for tea. i am managing more each day but am so worried that i dont overdo it. im also struggling to drink i am varying my drink water, orange juice, milkshakes but cannot drink more than a tiny sip every couple of minutes. and to feel full is strange sensation as i very rarely got that before now.
my wounds are tender and im really worried about the staples busting open but they appear ok! im taking it easy but my hubby is off til next week so i will see how i go when i have to sort the kids out etc, luckily my fm is bahaving itself at the minute so that helps but since i started the pre-op diet i have lost 18lbs (since before the pre-op it is now 22lbs) havent lost any since the op but that is prob due to the swelling etc . i did wobble a bit if i had done the right thing as it is hard sorting your brain into being happy with only a teaspoon/one taste of something before you are full. i still feel i want more but i am learning. oh and the wind!! the kids think the burping is hilarious!!
like i say day 5 now and looking forward to healing and getting on with being a looser!!!