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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Off for a fill tomorrow evening. Hope this will kick start a new phase for me

I have been hovering between 11.7 and 12 stone now since December - currently at the higher end of the spectrum!!!

I would dearly love to reach my goal for my year surgery anniversary on the 23 August. I only have a stone and a half to go - if I get my head sorted out I should be able to do it

This half half stone going on and off for months has been torture

I downloaded a book - Stop The Binge Eating -last week - in desperation - it was 15 quid!!!! What it did do was let me see how far I have come over the past few years though. My binges were horrendous. Eat until I had to lie down on the floor sweating and palpitations. Only until this subsided and start again. Actually sad thinking about this :-(

Although i am grumbling about this elastic half stone. The fact
That I have been able to be the same weight I was five months ago is
Quite incredible. Just a little bit of hard work on
My part and I could get there.

This will be a life long battle for me a battle for life ..........and for my life. I am Still a Compulsive overeater

So let's see what tomorrow brings. Wish me luck

Hope you are all well xxx
Good luck with your fill, I hope it gives you the kick start you need to get the weight loss moving again.

So glad you can see the positives as even maintaining it is a huge achievement!!!!

It's good to see the positives. Binges are binges in the mind no matter how big the binge, the mental reaction is the same. But with your band the binges are smaller, your band gives you the power to control. Getting through the head 'crap' is the biggest battle. The last couple of stones will always be harder to shift. You can & you will do this & you're already looking fab x
Wow that book made you lose 15 pounds in just minutes!!! It must be good!
I'm glad you are getting a fill I really hope you nail that sweet spot banders get ! I have every finger crossed for you and will have a $10 gamble in your honour tonight!!!!
Off for a fill tomorrow evening. Hope this will kick start a new phase for me I have been hovering between 11.7 and 12 stone now since December - currently at the higher end of the spectrum!!! I would dearly love to reach my goal for my year surgery anniversary on the 23 August. I only have a stone and a half to go - if I get my head sorted out I should be able to do it This half half stone going on and off for months has been torture I downloaded a book - Stop The Binge Eating -last week - in desperation - it was 15 quid!!!! What it did do was let me see how far I have come over the past few years though. My binges were horrendous. Eat until I had to lie down on the floor sweating and palpitations. Only until this subsided and start again. Actually sad thinking about this :-( Although i am grumbling about this elastic half stone. The fact That I have been able to be the same weight I was five months ago is Quite incredible. Just a little bit of hard work on My part and I could get there. This will be a life long battle for me a battle for life ..........and for my life. I am Still a Compulsive overeater So let's see what tomorrow brings. Wish me luck Hope you are all well xxx

Good luck with the fill x
Fingers and toes crossed hunni.....lets hope this get the weight moving again....that in itself will work wonders for you sweetheart....the gains and statics do no good for the mind..... a wee loss will have you re motivated and moving again :) huge hugs x x x x
What a nightmare! I'm sitting in the Nuffield after my fill sipping water after my 5ml fill. Yes that's right 5ml!!!!

I have lost 5ml out of my band since February!

I have to see a surgeon a fortnight today because they think my band is leaking!!!

On to liquids for three days then soft for three days

I'm a wee bit worried. Don't want to even think about how they would repair a leaking band :-(
Oh crikey that's no average! Trust you to spring a leak!! No wonder your hungry!!!
Fingers crossed fri you, let's hope all is ok if not they will get you fixed!
Oh crap. I didn't even realise they could tell how much was in the band.

Hope this gets sorted quickly for you. X
Need to wait 2 weeks for them to measure the fluid in my band. Nurse thinks a its a slow puncture lol. She thinks if it was a port or tube leak there would be nothing left in my band. I still had 5 of the original 10ml left

I am having X-rays done a fortnight today, having my fill level measured and seeing the surgeon. I asked for Sharon's surgeon Mr Gibson as she said he was brilliant

How they tell what is in your band is draw everything out it into a large syringe

Because I said I had no restriction and was constantly hungry they decided to measure the fill in my band only to find half of what was put in was missing !!!?

Hey ho