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illness post op

I am off work today and yesterday cos I am not well, hence the reason I have time to post on here.

I dont actually know what is wrong except my temp was very high,I have a fever and a sore throat. I feel better today but I was wondering if we are more prone to colds and illnesses post op. I am guessing we must be but I am wondering if anyone feels they get ill more often post op.

I am 12 months post op and I also had the flu jab in November
Awww - sorry to hear you are not feeling tip top - get lots of rest and get well soon xxx
I'm 20 months post op and am hardly ever ill(touch wood), everyone around me has had the flu, coughs, sore throats and colds but for some reason i havent caught either......hope im not tempting fate! Hope you feel better soon xxx
Thanks Guys. I feel a bit better today.
There are a lot of these type of virus things around at the moment, hope you feel better soon!
I had flu for 3 weeks and kidney/water infection right on top of each other so I know how u feel - wishing u all the best. I posted something similar before coz I was fed up of feeling rough, am told no your not more prone to an illness post op( more so me being a bander). HTH Julie xx
Hi i'm the same as Lisa I dont think i have had a cold since my op, my entire family got a stomach bug and i was saved from that also. x
Seems alot of people are getting bugs at the moment, most of my friends etc are coughing, sneezing.....hope you feel better soon. x
Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly, but glad you are feeling a bit better today. There are a lot of horrid bugs going around at the minute, and no-one's at their best in the winter season. I have to say pre-op I rarely got ill & I seem to be the same post-op too....hopefully with spring approaching your immune system will buck-up a bit xxx