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Im in agony!!! But thought it had settled!!!!!!!!!

Hope you're feeling a little better Carole, get well soon xxx

ps, i'm betting the kiddies you look after are thinking your 'trumps' are funny though.....
Get well soon hun xx:D
Thanks everyone. Slept most of the day and spoke to the GP this eve who advised me to get some buscopan as he felt what i was describing was more colic.

Cant tell you what a relief they have been. My sons girlfriend finished work early so i didnt have to cancel the boys so that was a relief.

and to make me feel even better keith called in on his way home from work at 8.30 after reading my facebook status as he was worried about me.!! so that alone made me feel so much better.

Thanks for all yr messages still uncomfortable but no where near as bad as i was.

awwww hun i hope you feel better soon lots of hugs :flowers: :grouphugg:
Hope the pain goes soon. xxx
I am glad you are feeling a little bit better, I was starting to worry when I didn't hear back from you!
Take care and feel better, message me if I can help out in any way!
Carole i hope the meds do the trick hun xxxxx
I remember how good the Buscopan was with gallstone pain-oh yes & sleep was a wonderful relief from the pain

Hope you're feeling better tomorrow
Hope you feling bit better big hugs

i'm so sorry to hear your in pain.
i have had wind pain for a week now, and nothing will shift it. i put mine down to bingeing on yogurts after my op was cancelled last week, two of them where pro-biotic.
i can remember some one else posting about this this week, so maybe it is a bug going round.
hope you feel well soon. sue.
Hope you are feeling better today x
thanks everyone. still feeling as rough as a dogs dinner. pain more tolerable with buscopan but definatly brewing a chest infection.
Hi that pain sounds exactly like the pain I get when I've ate the wrong thing. The pain in my stomach and back is excrutiating to the point I am nearly crying! I take the windeze tablets normally one but last night I took 2 at it done the trick. I can sympathize it is so sore but at least mine has gone.

Get yourself checked out to make sure though.

Hope all goes well.
hiya hun soz your havnt been feeling very good hope the pain is much better now and that you get well soon hugs hun in.x
Hi Carole - hope your feeling better and that if the chest infection rears it's ugly head then it will go quickly and not do too much damage.

Sending you lots of gentle healing hugs with fairy dust to make you feel better xx
Got a phone call off my gp this morning asking me to go in for a blood test. The reason for this was after going through my notes he realised the last 2 times he has seen me when i have been unwell i have had pain in the lympy system.
Low and behold the blood tests show a none specific infection but what he has said is the fact that my lymph system picks it up befor any symptoms show proves my body is workng very efficiently.
It is definatly a chest infection and although im still feeling a little rough and still have back pain yts a lot better than it was.
thanks for all yr lovely messesge