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Im in agony!!! But thought it had settled!!!!!!!!!

Glad things seem to be getting sorted and it must be reassuring to know your body's working well!!
I'm glad you're feeling better. Let's hope the antibiotics kick in soon. Drink lots of fluid, especially cranberry juice and barley water.

Hot water bottles can really help. I've got a chest infection at present and I have one bottle on my back and one on my front. If nothing else it's comforting. Give it a try - it may help xx
Oh what a weekend have ended up at walk in centre today and am now on tramadol as well as the co codamol. chest is a lot better but the pain in my back is worse than ever. have got an appointment tomorrow with the GP.
What i compleatly forgot in all this is that i had a marina coil fitted on the 3rd jan. the nurse who i saw tonight says it may be that that is causing my problems.
Hope you feel better soon hun:eek::eek:
in Agony!!! possiably a stricture!!!

well saw the Gp who changed the strength of my antibiotic. but did surgest that it could be defered pain from the coil and that it may just not be suiting me. I said i would give the stronger pain killers a few days and see how i felt.
Anyhow after finding myself in tears yet again this morning due to pain i have phoned and made an appointment to have the coil removed as a process of elimination.
its a double edge sworde as cant cope without the pain killers co codamol and tramadol but equally cantt cope with the side effects of them feel so tired all the time.

Not having it done till tuesday by when i will of finished antibiotics but at least if i have it removed and the pain doesnt settle down i will know that it is something else. but if it does i will have to rethink things.

anyone else had pain with a coil?
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Hi Carole, don't have any personal experience but saw your post and just logged into our medical library for you. Suffering pain can be a side effect for some it says as body reacts against intrusion of coil. Had a search of patients computer records for who we have inserted coils for over past couple of years and several have had it removed again fairly quickly 2 of whom cited pain as the reason. Hope that helps.

Hope you're feeling better soon Carole xx

Cuppa xx
Having spent a lovely weekend with keith but still relying on the pain killers. He pointed out to me last night that the pain seems to be worse after eating solid food.
This got me thinking so last night i did a bit of reserch and realised that i was at the ideal time for post op scarring and adhesions.
This morning i have phoned the bariactric nurse and gone through the past two weeks with her and straight away she has said i need to have a swollow test done as it sounds as though i have got some scar tissue and a narrowing. She said that if thats the case its easily rectified but it is the prime time.
I think because i have been on so many pain killers i have not been able to listen to my own body but its the first time keith and i have spent a significant amount of time together and it was only after he pointed out that during the week when he had come for tea i didnt eat much and although i didnt say i was in pain at the time it was abviouse i was.
Im fine with liquids so just going to go back to the liquid stage again till i have had my swollow test on thursday.
how efficient is that for an appointment though.
Thanks for posting this Carole I for one had no idea that adhesions or narrowings were common 14 mths post op. Hope they get you sorted xx
My last job was on a Surgical Assessment Unit and we regularly had people in with adhesions of the bowel, mostly about a year post-gastric surgery. It's true what you say Carole, about listening to our bodies and really thinking about any new or unusual pain. I hope you get it sorted out soon. Are you able to eat anything at the moment?
Hopefully you will soon feel much better Carol, def very efficient bariatric team u have.
You asked about problems with a coil mine was not a mirena as this was years ago but some how mine moved out of place, i had terrible pain and infections and had to have it removed and was 2 scared to have another one.
I now have the implant and its been fab no periods since 3 weeks after having it and i love it :)
Hope u feel better soon xxx
Carole sorry to hear you have had such a rough time of things of late:) What good good wls team you have thats quick by any stroke of the imagination. Im also getting worried here now with the amount of peeps thats had the coil fitted and having it removed im having mine fitted on tuesday:( Not sure if i want it now.

Hope you get sorted soon tho Carole, i also didnt know about the adhesions or narrowings.

Take care hun and get plenty of rest:)

Sharon xx
Going to see the dr as planned tomorrow and if all is well with the coil have it left utill after i have seen the bariactric team. As if all looks good no point removing it if that isnt the cause.
I have gone back onto liquids at the moment as the pain when eating is just too severe. I have actually lost 4lbs over the last 3 weeks so i suppose that is also an indicator of how little i have been able to manage.
I had until keith pointed it out to me thought that the increase pain was due to painkillers wearing off. Hes obviously more in tune with me than i realise. Saying that he had surgery on ulsers some yrs ago so is probably aware because of that was well.
thanks for yr support
hiya carole so glad its all getin sorted out for you hun i hope your pain free soon big hugs hun lin.x