In a massive strop tonight. I've got a friend who is a GP, and I told him about the band when I had it done, thinking he'd be supportive. Instead, he's incredibly judgemental.
This week I've been retaining water - overnight I gained 5lbs and I think it's all at my ankles as they've been so sore! Thankfully today I've done nothing but wee, so hopefully I'll get back to where I was tomorrow.
My mate texted me and asked about the weight loss, so I told him I've been struggling with stress and water. When I told him about the gain he basically accused me of eating crap, as there's no way you could retain that much water in such a short time.
I know I'll have the last laugh, but I would have thought he knew me well enough to know that if I HAD been eating crap I would have been honest about it.
Ah well, in better news I have one phone call to make on Monday, and if that goes ok I start a new job on Tuesday. Hurrah! Hopefully that should ease some of the stress...