Went yesterday for a fill, but I was tempted to cancel. When I spoke to my team they advised to go anyway for a discussion and to get weighed, so I duly trundled off.
When we discussed the current situation (stress, new job etc) we decided against another fill, to just monitor the situation and go back in 3 weeks.
Today I had to drive to Bristol with work. Had a pack of breakfast biscuits on the way down as I couldn't handle breakfast before I set off - that was about 9am and kept me going to lunchtime.
At 12.30(ish) I had a crayfish and avocado salad from Pret - gorgeous and only 202 calories, highly recommended! I'm only just starting to feel hungry, though my stomach hasn't started rumbling yet.
I can eat pretty much anything other than bread, I can get away with a certain amount if I take too big a mouthful without realising - my band isn't so restrictive that I'm constantly uncomfortable, yet I'm not feeling particularly hungry.
Happy days all round. I expect once the stress eases off things will feel different and hunger will make a grand return, but for now, fingers crossed...