Well-Known Member
Cupid am posting this here as well as on my diary................ not sure where you'll see it first hunniOh Cupid hunni .............. i so wish i'd put my computer back on last night........ i typed a long message to another lady before we took puppy out, i lost connection and got cross, so shut computer down and came to bed lol now i wished i'd had been here to try and pick you up a little before you went off to bed. I really feel for you sweetness, it must be so hard, and so final too, fortunately i didn't have a target to loose and had actually gained between my final appointment and starting my pre op......... anywhere else they may have just turned me away but i think some places are too strict TBH but it doesn't help moaning eh......... we just got to knuckle down and DO IT
ignore the fitbit firstly mine tells me the same as does myfitnesspal but am still sticking to roughly 1000 cals a day and have lost all my weight so far (except straight after op) on this. Did u find my intakes back on my diary? if not will email you over them (pm me your email address) because i was dairy intolerant hospital gave me this to follow for my pre op diet, its pretty bland and a tad boring but for a week worth a shot see how u get on ................. i would try a week on then a week off see of that shakes your body up a bit may help
in the meantime don't beat yourself up hunni ...... don't let yourself fall into that vicious cycle of allowing the negatives outweigh all the positives. So we've still got 11 weeks hun we can do this and WILL do it just look at how far you've already come hunni
you are a super star and i know this is going to happen for you !!! As for the wedding at the weekend, you put on your best dress and warpaint and go knock em dead
you are a beautiful strong determined woman.................... you will win thru........... now promise me its chin up high today, ignore those pesky scales best foot forward ....................... we have a job to do
11 weeks and conuntin plenty of time to turn this around and i'm with you every step of the way x x x xx x
Thank you so much and today is a better day....too much wallowing always brings me down. I have the app for this site and it allows me pings for notifications so is really a fab idea as keeps me up to date with replies.
The sun is shining brightly today so I'm feeling more positive so not a wallow in sight...well maybe a little
As for the Wedding I will see how I feel when I wake up on Saturday because my head still says no lol! If the rain stays away today I will get out and about which will bring that smile bouncing back