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makes sense to me Hun thanks. Being told that I have a mental problem is like a kick in the teeth. Some people ain't got any idea. Thanks for the a diceMy main protein source is danio yoghurt and porridge. I can eat soft food..I can manage beans and jacket potato too but anything dense..big no! I can eat one boiled egg with nothing else and it's like been kicked in the stomach.. I can eat 3 chicken nuggets by themselves..kicked in the stomach..half a sausage... Well you get the idea! It's not in my head it's in my stomach ! My advice is eat what suits you..other people will suggest things that to me would make me want to throw up..cheese, cream, nuts etc etc but to other people they are great! Eat what your body accepts and if that's just a cup of bovril then so be it!! Don't panic..I spend all my day eating and drinking to get my food and drink in, I manage about 40-50g of protein a day and 1200 cals along with 1.5l of fluid maximum. Just do what's right for you...we are all different and my experience is my own. I get frustrated most days as I cannot eat diddle squat! I still post photos on my diary.. Just do your best or you will get worked up over it xx
I truly believe people only have a knowledge if they have lived it. Thanks Hun xxI can completely see why you'd be annoyed at her she has no right. How can she say it's all in your head if that's the way it is! X
much appreciated Hun thanks. XJust though I'd join in here, of course it's in your head what are you all talking about. These are experts and they know what there on about. WELL NOT IN MY WORLD there not. None of them know the real reality of having this surgery and ax the old saying goes " Until you walk in someone else's shoes, then shut the F*** up" because you know begged all. I'm fed up with asking questions to be told well we don't know why this is happening and treating me like a child. The younger ones are still wet behind the ears and the older ones still haven't caught up with the new ways so none of us can win. I'm like Cupid and a few others. I have not made a conscious decision to stop eating certain things my body has informed my brain and senses not to,eat certain things. I love spicy foods and could have quite easily lived on home made curries but I can't touch it now. I was never a biscuit ,sweet person. I could now spend all day just eating biscuits but it's a choice I've made not to because I know it won't help,with weight loss. So it must be in my mind that curries or in fact anything that's has any kind of spice in it causes me to rush to bottles of milk to calm my mouth and there is only a few safe as I call them foods I can eat. Don't let the ******* get into your head because we have enough going on in there to deal,with as it is. Right thats my sort of supported rant over lol.
will be giving to a try thanksExactly right KarinaWe are all different, and danios are the best form of easy down able protein I have yet to come across x Whatever suits you is the best for YOU
We are all different, good luck x x x
if only the world was rid of these text book heroes that have probably had major surgery to remove the " I know better than you tattoo". XI have a new one for you all, I have osteoarthritis, knees, hips, back, feet and along with the neck my hands. I have a visit to carry out in Yorkshire in a few weeks time, I spoke to my manager today to say my husband is willing to drive me there as I wouldn't be able to do the journey due to the time sitting in the car. So she informed me that there is public transport I could use now I've had my surgery I shouldn't have any problem getting on and of buses and trains. Let me think about this for a while, I use two sticks, not funny on buses and have you seen the gap at train platforms. I will have to carry at least one file, oh that will be on my back then or maybe just tucked under my arm. The G force (slight exaggeration here) of sitting on a train and being wobbled back and forward for at least an hour and a half if not longer with changing trains stations and negotiating British rail full stop should be a meat doddle. It's all going to be achievable, why because I had a gastric bypass. I wouldn't mind but this person is supposedly a smart and clever woman. Non of us can win. Wonder what else I can get up to because I've had a bypass maybe Bungee Jumping.
went to get some today but came home without them. Horrible time in town we had EDL (English defence league) arrive from many places and at the same time anti racist groups that had decided Scarborough needed some action. I have lived here on and off for 33 years and never seen the licks of it. Shouting fighting racist remarks you name it they used it both sides. Over 40 police officers stood between try hard to keep control. Women with small children wanting to stand and watch not caring what the little ones could see and hear. What got to me most of all was when EDL started chanting this is England leave us alone the anti racists were chanting back not your country **** off home. The police officers said nothing to the latter half and promising arrests for the EDL. Absolutley crazy and it carried on for about 3 hours. Trying to promote hatred should be carry a jail term.She's absolutely beautiful! Sorry about the diagnosis Hun! Time to get them thermals out in guessing X x
thanks Hun it will get by because it's what I do best. Huge hugs xxx xxxShe is blooming adorable and more than enough to make up for a rubbish week by farwee little bundles melt your heart and put everything into perspective eh.... I'm so sorry to hear of your further health problems hunni... sometimes it feels like this path we walk is a real struggle and wonder sometimes is it all worth it but when you see the beauty of new life arriving it gives a brief rest bite as we take in the wonders of childbirth and just how perfect each child of this earth is
All we can do is take each day as it comes, be grateful for what we do have and let everything else take care of itself.... breath deep hunni, take in the wonders of the day... smile, embrace the ones you love and above all ...look after yourself x x x x x sending a special rainbow to light you day x x x x x know i'm here anytime you need to chat x x xx
cheers Hun I'm sure it can't get worse so the only way is up. Hope you had a fab weekend zzzzHi Cupid Gorgeous baby, sorry about your horrible week hope next's week better. Take care, huge hugs xxxx