Hi Mia, I just assumed that a week was about right as it seemed like a small op in theory! But to be honest it has been a much tougher recovery than I expected.
I have taken it really easy today, stayed at home by myself and pottered around meeting only my own needs....very rare considering my usual role of mum.
The rest has really helped as tonight I am feeling really good and in less pain than ever. I have had a slight epiphany! I was just making dinner for my kids and for ease of life (as I work a 50+ hour week) I am ashamed to say that in the past chicken nuggets and fish fingers have been on the menu probably twice a week, with, sausage and mash, pasta or chicken pie or a roast on the other days. Simple easy family meals with a token vegetable on the plate. Too many carbs, too big a portion and the only saving grace being that the kids are incredibly active and so the kids have always been a perfect healthy size and BMI. But the more I learn about carbs and hidden sugars the more I realise what crap I have been feeding them. I also notice how big their cereal bowls are and that they add sugar and that their once a day snack (e.g. rocky or penguin bar or mr. kipling type thing) is really not ideal.
So....I have just cooked a usual quick tea and substituted the standard potato waffles for a single baby potato whizzed in the microwave to make a mini jacket...(so cute!) and a pile of cucumber rings. I also swapped the ice cream for fresh pineapple. Eldest DD had a plate full of lettuce, cue, peppers, grated carrot,red onion and some cooked chicken with a little bit of low fat salad cream on the side. I was really please to see them devour the lot, much more readily than usual.
So my plan is to feed my kids (and myself when the time comes) real food!
Back to me.....I have bought some Moroccan Chicken soup from Tesco for dinner, it will need a whizz but it looks good. I have been trying to keep the fluids up.
tmi warning.....
Things have now improved considerably with the constipation and daily events are back on track....sorry! With this the bloating and wind has really improved...what a relief...literally.
I am missing my horlicks, as it has been soooo hot. Too hot for horlicks.
But I have enjoyed some cold Exante shakes made with ice and water. My favourite is the vanilla. I can make it into two or three other flavours! I use a teaspoon of Nescafe decaf and a sweetner dissolved in a few teaspoons of warm water, added to the cold water used to make up the shake...think Frapuccino! Also vanilla shake with a sprinkle of cinnamon is divine. Or Vanilla shake made up with a 1/3 Innocent smoothie ( I like strawberry and banana best) to 2/3 water. It is really yummy.
I am excited about Saturday....mushies!
Funnily enough still on food.... I had a bit of a stressful wobble over the weekend and decided to go out to get away from the kids for an hour and ended up in the supermarket, where I would normally buy something naughty like a pack of chocolate brownies and some diet coke to deal with my stress.
So in the supermarket I was trying to deal with myself and I couldnt buy anything to eat! lol!

So I bought a healthy barbeque dinner for the family and cooked it for them and then ate my own Pea and Ham soup.
I cant wait for something to chew.