New Member
Race ya! 
Post op week 5, I am loving solid food, I had a phone appointment with the nutritionist who was happy with everything.
I have found solid food controls portion size more than mushies, as expected. I have maintained weight for the past few days so I need to focus on stuff again...not logged in to Myfitnesspal for about 5 days and that could be the reason. It is sooo helpful for tracking everything.
I have noticed I am getting hungry quicker than I had been, nutritionist/dietician said that it is because I am due for my fill. I have it on the 13th of August.
I am really happy with everything and also my scars are fab, little pink lines that is it.
I hope everyone else is doing well, I am looking for Mia at the mo, havent seen any posts recently. Off to look for Janey, Nina, Mia and Steve.
Hello lovely people.I have been super busy and hence not on here for weeks. But things are going really well with the band. I had a fill on the 12th of August. 1.75ml withdrawn and 3ml added takin gme to 4.75 in a 10ml band. There was some difference for about 3 days and then I was back to being able to eat bigger portions than I would ideally like. So have been calorie counting on My fitness pal.I had another fill on 30th of August 2ml added taking me to 6.75ml. Which I though was quite a lot! Trust me it has done the trick!!! Really feeling it this time. I find the band tight in the morning. It takes me a while to get a glass of water down as I seem to get trapped wind. Once the morning water is down I am good. I did mushies today and that was ok, slowly slowly! I am chewing really well and eating much smaller amounts. I am really happy to feel a difference.Weight wise it has been really slow. I will have to update my stats. But I started on 16 stone 6 pounds and I am now 14 stone 11 pounds. I have gone from 22 to an 18 which is really fab and I am shopping in my own wardrobe in the "too small" section which now fit!! I am starting to be able to think that I will be getting into the smaller sizes...I can imagine the possibility of a size 16! And I am daring to dream of smaller than that!I have also discovered Slim in 6. Which I love. It is a fitness DVD and you complete it in cycles of 6 weeks....really easy and I would recommend is available on Amazon. Also I have started sharing my friends horse. Which is fab, I am able to ride again as he is a very big horse and my very big bum is a bit smaller. So it is all good.Food wise, I still have my demons. I still think of chocolate when I have a good or bad day, but I have not binged, which is good. I have also cut bread out of my diet altogether, I used to crave it and it was a bad trigger food for me, one slice would turn into 4! But I had a slice the other day, the very first slice I have had since pre-op. I was completely non plussed by it. Didnt even finish it! I got bored! Also I stopped drinking diet coke at pre-op due to fizz, and I had previously been addicted. It is great not to be spending about £5 a day on my diet coke habit! And I feel really good without it. I have only had one headache since banding and I used to live with virtually permenant headaches....prob linked to the aspartame.I hope the other banders are doing well. Janey I clearly missed our challenge...I am nowhere near the 13's I wanted to be in. But never mind hopefully my new fill will help!
I am pleased for you, you seem so positive. I am having my second fill tomorrow. I have just been away for 2 weeks and its the first time in my life I have been away and not put any weight on. I keep having to remind myself of that as my weight loss hasn't changed at all this last month. I think I need to up my exercise and get myself in a more positive frame of mind. Good luck..........where do you have your fills?
Fantastic update, you are doing so well!! I was a total diet coke nut too, in fact, workinig it out giving it up has paid for my band - total madness!! i do not miss it one dot anymore!
Hello stranger! Was wondering where u had got to, am so glad everything is going so well for you. Can't believe how much you have in your band already! I'm at 5 atm and don't feel like I need anymore in....yet! As for our challenge I said I would be in 15's and I'm currently exactly 16, still have 2 weeks until my fancy dress party so hopefully I will get there (although in all fairness I have more to lose than u so will prob lose quicker). U should save up ur coke money (that sounds Sooo wrong! Maybe should say cola!) And use it to treat yourself to new clothes! Keep up the good work hun![]()
Hi Mia, Not putting weight on over a 2 week holiday is a real achievement....a bit more in your band an I am sure it will come off. But the excercise I have found really helped kick start me again. I have been having my fills in London. But prefer Cambridge, it is easier to get to for me. Where do you have fills?
have to say I am really liking your write ups! its giving a good insider account and is helping me to understand how I might feel when ever I get my band done ,thank you !1 week Banded!
So I have survived my first week with a band and things are good with the band.
I am recovering much slower than I expected, mid week I though I would be fine for work on Monday, but now I know I am not. My port site is particularly sore and I still have horrid shoulder pain. I feel a bit weak and pathetic too, despite being really happy with the actual band.
I have googled the shoulder pain and now understand why I have it. Google phrenic nerve. I am just hoping that is not too long before it feels much better as it is no fun.
Highlight of my day yesterday was Horlicks! The light version of course. But I havent had it in years and it was lovely and soothing hitting the spot. It is 116cals per cup and 4.5g protein. So ok as long as you use it as a snack type thing and pretty good protein.
I also made some soup yesterday. I bought some boneless skinless chicken thighs, oxo cubes and some carrots and leaks. Slow cooker and hand held blender made it into 8 servings of really tasty chicken and veg soup. Much nicer than the shop stuff and worked out at about 50p per serving and 5g of protein. I wish I had realised that breast has more protein in it before I made it.!
I am really bloated today and hope that this gets better asap. The wind I get when I drink is much much better though.