It's worth mentioning that your PCT's criteria may be different to what your GP is looking at. My GP went by the NICE guidelines, not the local PCT criteria. Do you know what PCT you are under and what your BMI is?
I got refused because my BMI wasn't high enough when I went to the hospital for first appointment with consultant, and that's the BMI that was used when they applied for funding. It was just below the criteria. When I went to get weighed at the doctors in order to put in a fresh appeal (first appeal was refused, they said I needed to go and get weighed again), my BMI was actually over the criteria, so I got funding.
You can contact the PCT yourself - phone and ask for the commissioning team. You are entirely within your rights to get this information. Then you can come back here and tell us what the refusal was about and we can all help you pull together an appeal.