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January 2014 surgeries

I'm finding salads are the easiest thing to eat. I was worried as had previously read salads are often the most difficult thing to eat after bypass due to getting stuck. I've not found this at all. I can eat a whole bowl of leaf and grated carrot and sweet orb with a little balsamic dressing. Lush. This is good news as I can eat out and choose a Greek or Caesar salad and avoiding dumping again on calamari !!!!

How does everyone else tolerate salads?
I'm finding salads are the easiest thing to eat. I was worried as had previously read salads are often the most difficult thing to eat after bypass due to getting stuck. I've not found this at all. I can eat a whole bowl of leaf and grated carrot and sweet orb with a little balsamic dressing. Lush. This is good news as I can eat out and choose a Greek or Caesar salad and avoiding dumping again on calamari !!!!

How does everyone else tolerate salads?

Looking forward to them as when banded eating lettuce was like having cling film over my band :( I'm starting to dabble in thicker n sucking a few harder foods, had no probs so far, convinced ex bankers have more success earlier on as we're used to the signs. Glad your doing well. Can't wait for salad :) x

previous bander, revision to by pass.
not attempted salad as its not on my sheet till after 3 months out
What have people been told about alcohol. I know they are empty cals etc but going away on Monday and was thinking about what one going to drink when the wine comes out. Could 1 glass really do damage? Not a big drinker anyway.
i was told to wait a year and then to be careful as it would effect me much quicker on a smaller amount
What have people been told about alcohol. I know they are empty cals etc but going away on Monday and was thinking about what one going to drink when the wine comes out. Could 1 glass really do damage? Not a big drinker anyway.

It's not so much the calories, more the effect on you, specially if your eating less than 500cals, I'm worried Bout it makin me feel I'll whilst out...so suggest if you fancy sip or small glass do a trial run at home where your safe.
Chances are you'll be fine hun, but best not leave it n spoil your eve x
i was told to wait a year and then to be careful as it would effect me much quicker on a smaller amount
1 year. That's mental.
2 weeks!!! Will ring my dietician on Monday.
What have people been told about alcohol. I know they are empty cals etc but going away on Monday and was thinking about what one going to drink when the wine comes out. Could 1 glass really do damage? Not a big drinker anyway.

Glad u brought this up larabelle, we r going away next weekend, and just fancied a taste! Not a big drinker and hubby is tea total, but just wanted a taste of cherry brandy!! - keep me posted if you hear any news / advice!!
Love sal xx
Admission time.......was at my husbands dinner dance last night, usually a very drunken affair (be rude not to take advantage of the free bar). Anyway my intention was to have a couple of glasses of wine but I will admit was very scared incase one knocked me out. Anyway I had a raspberry Bellini which I nursed for over an hour and drank half of it - no effect what so ever. After the meal I thought i might try a vodka & orange, slowly sipped away and was fine.........so I had another 3 or 4 and to little effect. It was lovely not waking up in the morning feeling rotten (apart from this dam cold), my husband on the other hand.......
Alcohol and WLS do seem to be a very controversial matter but imo its something that I enjoy every now and again and if in moderation I feel can be successfully integrated in to a 'healthy' balanced lifestyle.
Matra that Myaat have been nice. Don't get me wrong I'm no way dependant an alcohol lol but have missed the choice of wether to have a drink or not. My problem is I normally drink spirits with fizzy mixer like gin and slim. Normally wine is topped with a little lemonade so had to work out what to drink but I know everyone will be drinking next week and all sharing a villa together so not even like I can go back to own place to avoid drinking.
I struggled with mixers, it's normally diet coke or lemonade. There really was little choice and I found that I was feeling flooded by orange juice. Next time I'm having a drink I might try it with a shot of cordial and water?? I do enjoy a drink but it's not something that I intend to do very often, it's just nice to know that I can.

Enjoy your time away but remember and sip whatever you have slowly just to make sure it doesn't floor you! X
I probably won't have anything but just need to know that I won't "break" anything if I do. I started pre op on 2nd jan so since then I've only lost 32lbs. I know I shouldn't say only as I've never lost this much this quickly but only gone down 1 dress size.
My husband did suggest just water but it didn't appeal, will perhaps give it a go, in the name of calorie free mixers!
My husband did suggest just water but it didn't appeal, will perhaps give it a go, in the name of calorie free mixers!
Just an idea but how about vodka with cranberry juice ( if can tolerate fruit juice)
Or vodka / gin with lime cordial and water.

Failing that just order a huge slim tonic with ice and stir the hell out of it till it's flat. Tip a little into a gin and enjoy..... Slowly !

I'm going to have a little bevy (toast) today as we're throwing a party for my baby's 1st birthday :)
I've not had a drink for almost two years!!!
My friend who us 18 m pst by pass says she now gets drunk very very quickly! Cheap date, costs little :)

previous bander, revision to by pass.
So today I enjoyed a vodka, cranberry and lime. Sipped slowly.... Twas very nice and had no effect. I didn't break! I also didn't feel I needed another :)