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January 2014 surgeries

I get pain there when my pouch doesnt like what ive eaten. One day somethings fine and the next its a big fat no
Muesli may be a bit to harsh this short out of surgery could have inflamed your pouch
Give it a rest for a day or so soups or soft
Good luck
Muesli may be a bit to harsh this short out of surgery could have inflamed your pouch Give it a rest for a day or so soups or soft Good luck
Thank you Maphillips. The muesli could have irritated my tummy as I didn't chew it very well as I was hungry! Late brekkie! Definitely going to take it easy tomorrow.
Tried to be good today and stick to liquids and puréed dinner but am still in a lot of pain. Very sore and tender. Also must be swollen as can't get as much in as normal. A bowl of runny readybrek made me feel sick this morning, too much. Was a bit stupid this evening as tried some Thai curry I had made for the family and my tummy definitely didn't like the chillis in it!!!!! Tried it as I was starving. How long will this soreness last? Tried to rest today as painful to move or bend or sit up. Feel under the weather even on a gorgeous day like today!

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Hi all, just had to share the fact that I bought a pair of size 20 jeans from m&s today!!!! Off the shelf -not in the 'larger section'!!! I had my sleeve on 3rd jan 2014 and I was a size 26-28!!!! I am feeling soooo chuffed with myself - I know a size 20 is still big, but to me it is small!!! And they were bootcut - NEVER had bootcut before - and they were only £15.00!!!!! Going to bed feeling happy!!! Xxxx
fab news sallie keep it going and they soon be a distant memory
Hi all, just had to share the fact that I bought a pair of size 20 jeans from m&s today!!!! Off the shelf -not in the 'larger section'!!! I had my sleeve on 3rd jan 2014 and I was a size 26-28!!!! I am feeling soooo chuffed with myself - I know a size 20 is still big, but to me it is small!!! And they were bootcut - NEVER had bootcut before - and they were only £15.00!!!!! Going to bed feeling happy!!! Xxxx

Well done Hun it's a great feeling x
Really great news, chuffed for you x
My first non scale victory, popped round my friends for a cuppa and sat on her cast iron patio chair with arms I usually went and fetched a dining chair so chuffed I had room to wiggle. Next seats I'm aiming for are the rides at Alton towers hopefully by Octobers scarefest haha
Hi all, just had to share the fact that I bought a pair of size 20 jeans from m&s today!!!! Off the shelf -not in the 'larger section'!!! I had my sleeve on 3rd jan 2014 and I was a size 26-28!!!! I am feeling soooo chuffed with myself - I know a size 20 is still big, but to me it is small!!! And they were bootcut - NEVER had bootcut before - and they were only £15.00!!!!! Going to bed feeling happy!!! Xxxx

Fantastic sallie, well done girl :) x
congrats on the seating badger
Hi all, just had to share the fact that I bought a pair of size 20 jeans from m&s today!!!! Off the shelf -not in the 'larger section'!!! I had my sleeve on 3rd jan 2014 and I was a size 26-28!!!! I am feeling soooo chuffed with myself - I know a size 20 is still big, but to me it is small!!! And they were bootcut - NEVER had bootcut before - and they were only £15.00!!!!! Going to bed feeling happy!!! Xxxx

Well done salliebeth :)
Hi all, just had to share the fact that I bought a pair of size 20 jeans from m&s today!!!! Off the shelf -not in the 'larger section'!!! I had my sleeve on 3rd jan 2014 and I was a size 26-28!!!! I am feeling soooo chuffed with myself - I know a size 20 is still big, but to me it is small!!! And they were bootcut - NEVER had bootcut before - and they were only £15.00!!!!! Going to bed feeling happy!!! Xxxx
Well done Sallibeth! Not as good as you but managed to fit into a pair of size 22 skinny jeans I bought in the M & S sales for £8 a month ago and they didn't fit then! I had a bypass on 28th Jan 2014 and was size 26/28 as well. Weight loss going very slowly but something must be happening!

Makes me laugh, we all have clothes n clutter round us in these pics, me included as we strive to find a smaller item to fit lol. My e bay sell bag keeps growing ;) great stuff Hun x
Makes me laugh, we all have clothes n clutter round us in these pics, me included as we strive to find a smaller item to fit lol. My e bay sell bag keeps growing ;) great stuff Hun x
I thought about that after I took the photo! Sorting through summer clothes!
Well done Sallibeth! Not as good as you but managed to fit into a pair of size 22 skinny jeans I bought in the M & S sales for £8 a month ago and they didn't fit then! I had a bypass on 28th Jan 2014 and was size 26/28 as well. Weight loss going very slowly but something must be happening!

Well done sharie65!!! And an extra well done at getting the jeans in the sale!!! Xx
hope your feeling better sharie 65 when that happened to me dr told me to take another fastab pill and that sorted me out , when I notice you came from calne I used to live there many years ago was there for 7 years and have dear friends there my hubbys from bath x