I saw the anaesthetist who gave me the all clear for an op. Although i didn't hear directly from Papworth (who did sleep apnoea test) - there is no indication of sleep apnoea and my ECG was clear (had that at local hospital on 10 Jan) . He explained the process - venflon in back of hand, off to sleep, wake up with drip and morphine and anti-sickness meds on board and you go home with morphine patch. Have to get up and moving asap tp prevent clots etc. All of that okay and as expected. He didn't check my weight but did take blood pressure and check my oxygen levels with finger oxometer.
As I travelled from Suffolk, with a bit of cajoling by the staff, they got me in to see Mr Jain as well (his appt was not due until March 23). He said I hadn't lost enough weight since I had been with the team (so since Sept 2016) and therefore because I am an apple (or as Mr Jain said (you are centrally very fat) I have to loose a further stone before surgery which he has set for 26th April. So I have the milk diet for 4 weeks prior to surgery. However, I am tempted to do six weeks to make sure I hit the target. Mr Jain explained what the op entailed and went through the consent form. He also said that the night before surgery you have a self inject (or get your practice nurse to do it) a blood thinner and gave me an instruction sheet.
So the op is set, target for weight loss clearly stated and so I am now focused on that. I am booked to go on holiday 4.5 weeks after the op so fingers crossed it all goes ok. Mr Jain said I could fly 2 - 3 weeks post-op but I will have to find out what proof the airline needs and about insurance cover as well.
This op is certainly not something to take lightly.