I couldn't drink milk after my sleeve, but managed French onion soup which I strained so it was just the liquid. I also had some other soups strained. Then after a couple of weeks I moved on to blended soups and stews. Very thin at first. When I tried my first solid meal it got stuck and I felt terrible - if I could have turned back time to before the operation I would have. What I did was go back to fluids only for a day and then went through the stages of very liquid blended, mashed until I dared try solids again and this time I was fine. Since then I have been mostly ok, although I can't eat rice - it seems to sit in my stomach and swell until I am sick. I can manage a small glass of milk now, but it did give me the runs for ages. What the others have said - sip your drinks. It took me a few weeks before I dared a gulp. I just kept my glass right in front of me so it was always there reminding me to sip again. I recorded the amount I drank for the first few weeks to be sure I was getting enough in every day I hope you start to feel better soon.