I have a fantastic gp who I went and said refer me for wls surgery and he did I had my first appointment January where they weighed me and seen Dieatician told me what I needed to change etc. Then got referred to the shrink as I call him and I told him look I'm not an emotional eater and I'm not having this surgery as a quick fix I no I can lose the weight I just can't keep it off then he said congratulations your now on the waiting list that was may then June went and had a group session and then September seen the anaesthetist who said I was fit for surgery as lost a stone and signed all my surgery paperwork and been on waiting list since had a phone call December the 18th to say my date was 16th January and here I am 12 days away xx
Great journey x mine was a bit unexpected as i struggle with getting pregnant and ivf consultan told it not gonna happend due to my obesity and told me to go to GP to get the referal for wls so I did in January and and in March I was added to tier3 and start councling sessions in June for 12 weeks than I chose hospital and mdt from tier3 refered me there. Had my 1st appoitment just general information and induction and weighing than strait to mdt than dietican again than milk diet back to dietican told to keep weight off as I lost 12 kg and than appoitment with surgeon and anestetist I put on 1.5 kg since I finish milk diet so got thumbs up again and now here I am waiting for my pre op appoitment on 23rd February.