I'm hoping that this is FINALLY letting me post pictures! Been SOOO frustrated with this for the last week that I haven't even bothered posting updates.
So, next week will be time for another update of this photo, but since I haven't been able to post the most current one yet, here's my latest bump progression.
Midwife made a comment to me,at our last antenatal class, that I don't look pregnant at all from behind, and from the front I only look about 19-20 weeks! I'm 33+4!! Ugh! Why this makes me a bit PO'd I don't know, but it does.
Got to working on the nursery the last few days as we FINALLY had the furniture delivered. I'm really becoming pleased with it now that I've found a couple of pictures to hang. Going to make Bubble a cross-stitched picture after she's born that has her birthday date, weight, length, name, etc on it. That'll go on the little wall by the light switch. But, can't do that until after she's here, as I don't have any of that information yet! lol Now all that's left is to hang the curtains and find a light shade. It's not what I had really wanted, but I'm pleased with it.
Well, it's weigh day... I've somehow managed to lose 1.2 lbs this week. Pretty sure it has something to do with all the activity I've been doing. And because of that activity, there's been a LOT less snacking. Between putting her nursery furniture together (by myself), walking the dog for 1.5 hours a day and going to the train show yesterday (so on my feet for at least 6 hours), I've actually gotten in quite a bit of exercise. So far with this pregnancy I've gained 19.6 lbs, so less than a stone and a half. Not bad considering. Now I know I shouldn't worry about it (and I'm not worrying, I think I'm going to stop using that word as people's reaction to it annoys me), but being pregnant doesn't mean that I should go overboard... not be as strict, definitely, but going overboard is still a no-no. She'll take what she needs, so as long as I don't start feeling weak, then I'm doing just fine.
Niece's 6th birthday today, so family party tonight and I found out this morning that one of my sister's had to put her dog to sleep yesterday.

He'd stopped eating and drinking and by the time a vet could diagnose him, he was in advanced stages of cancer, so they opted to end his suffering. He was a REALLY great dog. He'll definitely be missed.
Hope every one else is well.