Well Helloooooooo,
He's here, baby Caleb is finally here! He made me wait mind you, I had to be induced at 41+5 and gave birth at 41+6. I don't know whether anybody would be interested in my birth story so I'll do a very short version...
Went in last Thursday, had 2 pessaries, then Guy had to go home as I was on the ward and visitors have to leave at 9pm. Started seriously contracting at midnight ish, waters went at 12.50am, wasn't allowed Guy back in so went right through until 9am on my own, on a ward, trying not to wake anybody else while I contracted every 2-3 mins! By 10am I was 5cm, went through to delivery suite at 10.30 and soon enough was checked again and was 8-9cm, no time for any pain relief so just used gas and air. I didn't find it helped at all with the pain, but gave me a focus. Ended up needed forceps as baby wasn't happy, his heartbeat kept seriously dropping. Was all a rush and a panic and very frightening. He arrived after an episiotomy and the forceps at 13.55 on 4th September weighing 8lb4ozs. He was perfectly healthy and didn't need any intervention at all, unlike my bits which took an hour to stitch up as the episiotomy tore into a very bad right vaginal wall tear (sorry I said i'd leave out the gory details lol). All worth while though!!
Just a few days post partum I am 4lbs less than what i started the pregnancy at. Can't moan about that can I? Haha, I'm now 13st10, goal weight is still 12st5 so got 1st5 to lose and do you know what, it seems manageable. Now to give myself a focus...my wedding!!! I can't remember if I told you ladies but we've booked the wedding for next May so nice and slow does the job
I hope to wear a size 14 wedding dress, I'm a 16 now in almost everything, maybe some trousers might be an 18 depending on the fit!
How is everyone? Any goss? What have I missed? X