Oh goodness, this week has been busy! I worked 12 hour shifts Tues, Thurs and Fri... so horribly tired. It wasn't too bad for my first week back though!

I've noticed I can eat more now, so I may start just eating three meals a day and drinking various things between meals and see how that goes. It'll definitely make it easier to get all my liquids in! Don't think there's going to be much of a loss this week... though even a couple pounds would be the high end of 'normal' weight loss for a week, so I'll be happy with 1-2lbs gone.

I also feel almost back to normal now! Hubby says the incisions look nice and pink, with only a couple more scabby bits to go, and the bruising is almost completely gone now.
I decided to prove to the hubby that we could still have McD's or go out, that I just needed to be selective in what I get and to CHEW it completely. So since we'd gone to a train show this morning, I suggested going to McD's for lunch. I got some potato wedges with the sour cream and onion dip and a medium strawberry milkshake (that way he'd have the rest when I couldn't have anymore). I managed half of the wedges and about 1/4 of the shake and was completely satisfied with myself.

I obviously will not be making a habit out of this: we don't typically go there to eat anyways, I just wanted to show him that we still COULD go, since that was one of his main worries before I had the op. That we wouldn't be able to go out anymore.

I've had a bit of egg and bacon sandwich filler for breakfast, the potato wedges for lunch, 750mls of nas juice, 200ml of milk with ovaltine and am currently working on my next 750mls of juice.
How's every one else going this weekend? Our neighbour's fence was destroyed in the wind storm last night, so we've had to keep Pup on her lead even when she goes into the garden.

Luckily I've had a word with him and he's ordered a new panel for one and secured the second panel, but one of the posts has to be recemented in. Just have to hope the company can replace it soon. Hope every one is safe!