Big an Bouncy
New Member
Thanks.To everyone that has kept me going for this past two years four months!I joined in August 2008 and NEVER believed I would ever get to today.I feel totally energised,it is such a weird thing.Perhaps because I can now see light at the end of the tunnel the pressure is off so to speak.Now I know what it is like for someone to say to ME 'you will soon be on the losers bench!'Not before time say my joints,hernia and prolapse!!I just wanted to ask;does anyone know of anything that could stop this surgery going ahead now?I have passed all the tests,done weight management,have 'special circumstances'to help the fight(my prolapse has been done twice before and the Gynea doc said he couldnt do it again till I lost the weight for good.He may have to seal my FooFoo!
) as I dont have diabetes.other co morbidities.I do have high cholesterol,high bp,long history of dieting,done Zenical and the one they banned oh yes Reductil.High bmi.Always here for you all.Maz x