Hi all, thanks for the messages. I've finally remembered my password - its saved in a book at work and I've been off work since the balloon so couldn't log on....
Well, 'nilbymouth' day came and went and I was ok - I wasn't even hungry at all and I think it was because I knew that I HAD to do it.
Balloon day - the worst 20 minutes of my life but possibly the best decision I've made so far! Met Mr Mahawa and the doctors and nursing staff were great. The camera went down ok but I had difficulty when I had to swallow the balloon with my mouth open - found it practically impossible; and I have a cockily throat so was throwing up too (sorry TMI). But got there on the second go.
Went back to the ward after the procedure and Andy helped to change into my pjs and get me into bed. I tried going for little walks later in the afternoon and on the third circuit I threw up - just clear fluid. Vommed just a couple to times through the night but it wasn't too bad. Nausea and sickness stopped by Monday, but on Tuesday I got the period from hell... and on Wednesday I got the runs (sorry

again TMI). Think my body must have gone into shock. This lasted til Friday and on Saturday I came down with a nasty cold - still got it! I went to my GP on Tuesday for a sick note for this week because of the cold but would have gone back to work otherwise. GP asked if he could weigh me and I have lost 7kg (just shy of 15.5lbs) in 11 days post balloon:wow:Flippin miracle!
Eating - I know its early days but I don't have much of an appetite - hallelujah!
I don't feel bloated full when I eat - just comfortable. I have gone back to fruit and fibre (1-2 oz) for breakfast as I can't stand weetabix and I find that FNF fills me up nicely with just a small portion. Lunch is half tin of soup and a ryvita with cheese triangle; or small slice of bread. Tea is a normal meal that I make for Andy (eg cottage pie, chicken dinner, or fish, rice n veg) and I have a bit of it on a side plate. A small piece of fruit or half a pot of yogurt for afters. I have a milky Ovaltine about an hour before I go to bed. My cats eat more than me now.
Thankfully I don't get the ravenous hunger that I would normally get when dieting - its just feels like I'm ready for my tea and I enjoy what I have only in very small amounts.
I go back to see the bariatric nurse on the 8th March and start seeing the psch on 12th March. I'm quietly confident that I can cope with restriction and feel that I'm off to a good start as I don't really miss anything food-wise (other than being able to drink a full cup of tea!) - just hope it lasts.
I've been asked if I still want to go ahead with bypass if I can lose some weight with the balloon. At the moment its a definite yes. I think I can deal with restriction and I'm happy enough with small meals - I don't want to overeat and risk stretching my stomach even more as I don't want to lose the restriction - if that makes sense? And to be honest its a blessed relief to not be constantly thinking about eating.