Well-Known Member
Wow....well done
to the ones i can see have been succsessful with their surgeries! What an achievement! And @Kellylou , I hope things are going well for you? Id be interested as to what goes on, on surgery day. And what feelings are like once you come round from the surgery. Im not nervous about the surgery itself...just i live on my own, And not much in regards of support. Will i need help with laundry, cleaning, ect. Like a carer for a few weeks, or do most people manage stuff like that ok after surgery? I currenly don't work (hope that changes, as i lose the weight) time off work isn't a problem. I've been on sickness benefit for 6 years now....due to health related issues...linked with obesity. So fed up (pun intended! Lol) of being on benefits. I want to contribute to society, And be healthy. I feel like my weight issue / food issues, has held me back so much. Don't get me wrong, im not expecting my weightloss surgery to solve all my issues....not all my problems are weight related. But i feel 85% of them are. As ive never been 'normal' weight as an adult, its hard to imagine how being a healthy weight would feel. All i have to go on is ...i can't wait to get back to 17st....which is still 'obese'! I don't want to just 'accept' my size! Im pleased for those that follow these 'size acceptance groups' if they really are genuinly happy with there weight, thats their choice. In a way, i kinda wish i could just accept my size and health issues, but i can't. Life is so mush harder when your obese. Socially, physically, And mentally. I've also wrestled in my head about what people would say if i told 'a normal weight person' ive had surgery to lose weight....would they think i was 'weak and lacked discipline with food, so i must lack disciplind in other areas of my life'. But do you know what....ive got to that stage in my life now (regards of negative comments on gaining, or losing weight) that its not about weight gain or loss, size of my clothes ( even though id love to get into a nice pair of size 14 jeans!) Its about the state of my health, diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, excess sweating, carpel tunnel in my hands, And just lately ...blurry vision ( due to diabetes, probably). So im quite scared at moment of things getting worse. Luckily, I can walk quite well, As long as its not too hot, or in a really busy place. I don't want to get to a stage where i lose the ability to walk, use my hands, or go blind! So people who have been fortunate enough to be relativly healthy throughout there life, have no clue as to what a struggle it is for the obese to shed the weight & keep it off. Sorry for the long post. Just trying to find people going through similar thoughts & worries with their weightloss journey. Well by for now, And hope your all doing well. Sunshine99