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Last Supper

I think that is what I will do to help myself when I get to that stage. Just picture myself waking up to them saying "sorry Miss Davies, because you didn't stick to the diet we couldn't do the op." Then try to imagine how amazingly disappointing and distressing that would be!!!

Kirsten also said there may be another 6 month wait if that happens!! Not sure whether she was just trying to scare us or not tho!!!
Have a blow out, I asked the hospital what could I eat the night before and they told me to eat whatever I wanted so I did, its the last supper so enjoy it :eating:

Kate x x x
You've made the right decision to not splurge out the night before. Its all been said by the other posters here so nothing to add, other than that really.
Like Meggie i have just come back from my info meeting and there is a reason why u go on a liver shrinkage diet, and i know and have seen it on a fat doc programme and apart from hearing from Kirstein tonight that if ur liver is not small they cant operate and wont operate.
Food has got us in the situation so why have one last dinner the night b4 that could scupper your chances. Kirstein said one consultant lifts up your liver while the other consultant does the cutting and stapling and as we all have a serious weight prob our livers are so enlarged hence needing to shrink them for surgery.
Just one dinner can change ur liver dramatically why scupper 4 weeks of hard work, i am surprised to read that some surgeons say have your last supper, tbh i am pleased that my surgeons are very badantic it makes me feel that they are very thorough and have my best intrest`s at heart.
Who ever did have a last dinner pls dont take this to heart its just how i feel about the situation.
If Kirstein had told me i could have a last supper tbh i dont think i would want to, my last suppers and over eating has put me in the situation that i am now needing major surgery i would like to feel that i have some willpower and for the last time i will have a normal size tummy that i could for once be in control and feel good about it and not give in to emotional eating the night b4 surgery.

Am sure that a day or 2 b4 my month long pre op dinner i will have my fave dinner although not sure what it is lol x

Soz if i have gone on a bit think it was the info meeting that has got me like that lol xxx
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i start my pre op on tuesday and am going for an all you can eat chinese buffet with a few friends on saturday for my last supper
i start my pre op on tuesday and am going for an all you can eat chinese buffet with a few friends on saturday for my last supper

Enjoy hun, i can say for sure the night b4 my pre op starts i will have my fave meal not sure what it is lol but will def have one, my pre op is a month long lol xxx
Have a blow out, I asked the hospital what could I eat the night before and they told me to eat whatever I wanted so I did, its the last supper so enjoy it :eating:

Kate x x x

thats bad advice kate ! erm not all surgeons dont think the same and if ppl do that it could stop there op happening :eek:
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i start my pre-op in a weeks time, but have already had my last supper, a curry down at the local casino after a few beers on Sunday night just gone, as you already know, i've been doing my pre pre-op diet already, and if my scales are correct at home, well over a stone has gone already , as for a meal the nite before surgery, a big no no, your hubby is being nice, but not helpful, bless him, you stick to that diet, you'll thank yourself after the op ;)
Fair enough Liz but its up to her, she asked and I answered, its what i did the night before my op, If people dont like my advice they dont have to take it :)

I dont think its about whether people like ur advice or not, its just that the 99.5 %of us have all been told its a def"no no" and could be very dangerous and also could stop you from having surgery hence everyone stating very strongly "pls dont eat and ruin ur chances of surgery"
Maybe it is different for people having a band as ur surgery is very minor compared to the bypass,i am not sure but for a bypass its a def no no.
Take care xxxx
thanks all for the advice, right now Im sticking to the diet although I had an extra crispbread yesterday..:eek: hang draw and quarter me !! lol
Wanna_be Im glad you got to eat what you wanted the night before, I have to say that if I was a nervous eater then that would be a calmer for me, Im not a nervous eater, just an eater lol:p

I might ask when i go for the pre op on tuesday but tbh it will only be out of curiosity. As Candie so rightly put it (grr lol) Ive eaten far too many last suppers for my health so stuff it Ill wait till i can have a mini first supper !:D
I dont think its about whether people like ur advice or not, its just that the 99.5 %of us have all been told its a def"no no" and could be very dangerous and also could stop you from having surgery hence everyone stating very strongly "pls dont eat and ruin ur chances of surgery"
Maybe it is different for people having a band as ur surgery is very minor compared to the bypass,i am not sure but for a bypass its a def no no.
Take care xxxx

Hiya, if people have been told that its a definate 'no no' then they shouldn't do, its up to them if they want to jeopardise their operation, if I was told it would jeopardise mine then I wouldn't have done it, but one nurse told me to have what I wanted so I did, I got a kids burger and chip meal, i didn't go to town and have an indian, lots of booze, crisps and chocolate! And I wouldn't exactly say a Lap Band is minor, all surgeries carry a risk!

Kate x
thanks all for the advice, right now Im sticking to the diet although I had an extra crispbread yesterday..:eek: hang draw and quarter me !! lol
Wanna_be Im glad you got to eat what you wanted the night before, I have to say that if I was a nervous eater then that would be a calmer for me, Im not a nervous eater, just an eater lol:p

I might ask when i go for the pre op on tuesday but tbh it will only be out of curiosity. As Candie so rightly put it (grr lol) Ive eaten far too many last suppers for my health so stuff it Ill wait till i can have a mini first supper !:D

Hiya elffie, you do what is right for you hun, what is right for one person isn't right for another, no 2 people are the same! Hope the pre-op diet isn't too hard for you :) Im sure you cant wait now to have your op, not long to go x
My surgeon said nothing so I understand where you are coming from :)
although mine would be a fish n chip meal lmao

Lap band is by no means minor surgery and neither is a c-section unlike someone I saw yesterday who said well you had the c-section so you will be fine, they arent that hard a surgery!!' I just aksed them if they were a surgeon! cheeky skinny cow lol so much for a friend, she is clueless. :rolleyes:
My surgeon said nothing so I understand where you are coming from :)
although mine would be a fish n chip meal lmao

Lap band is by no means minor surgery and neither is a c-section unlike someone I saw yesterday who said well you had the c-section so you will be fine, they arent that hard a surgery!!' I just aksed them if they were a surgeon! cheeky skinny cow lol so much for a friend, she is clueless. :rolleyes:

My God you could just rip some people apart, I had 2 sections and I wouldn't wish them on anyone!

uuummm I love fish and chips smothered in salt and vinegar with some red sauce :drool:
Hiya, if people have been told that its a definate 'no no' then they shouldn't do, its up to them if they want to jeopardise their operation, if I was told it would jeopardise mine then I wouldn't have done it, but one nurse told me to have what I wanted so I did, I got a kids burger and chip meal, i didn't go to town and have an indian, lots of booze, crisps and chocolate! And I wouldn't exactly say a Lap Band is minor, all surgeries carry a risk!

Kate x

Of course your right that all surgeries carry a risk but the point i was trying to make was that a bypass is a very major surgery compared to band which is a much shorter and simpler surgery and carries a much smaller risk of complications. A band has fatality rate of .5 % and a bypass a rate of 1.0 % and the recovery is very different, as in a bypass one consultant has to hold up the liver and if it is enlarged they cant do the op, so maybe the rules are diff from bypass to band concerning eating or not eating what ever you want the night b4 your op.

The nurse told us just one normal meal that is not on ur pre op liver shrinkage diet the night b4 your op can drastically change the size of ur liver hence it being a "no no " for a bypass.
I would of thought that all surgeons and nurses would give the same info for a bypass but like i said it could be totally different advice for a band op compared to the advice for a bypass, but as i have not had either procedure yet i can only go on what i have been told by a bariatric nurse and 2 bariatric consultants.

I hope i did not offend you as that was not the reason for any of my posts, and i totally understand that you were just offering advice on a question that was asked, and you are totally right in saying that we should all go on the advice our bariatric team have given us.
Take care luv Roch xxx
My God you could just rip some people apart, I had 2 sections and I wouldn't wish them on anyone!

uuummm I love fish and chips smothered in salt and vinegar with some red sauce :drool:
dammit woman stop lol. I had to begrudgingly give my kids my garlic bread last night as I knew if it stayed in the fridge Id have to eat it. ! lol that was painful.

the diet is ok, I just miss bread, It will be different after the op as I know if I have it then theres a chance it will make me sick, atm I know I can have it if i really want but its my willpower thats stopping me. My willpower is hopeless tbh wimpy willpower ! But its holding out at the moment:D
dammit woman stop lol. I had to begrudgingly give my kids my garlic bread last night as I knew if it stayed in the fridge Id have to eat it. ! lol that was painful.

the diet is ok, I just miss bread, It will be different after the op as I know if I have it then theres a chance it will make me sick, atm I know I can have it if i really want but its my willpower thats stopping me. My willpower is hopeless tbh wimpy willpower ! But its holding out at the moment:D

I found willpower in places I didn't even know existed, its bloody hard but worth it x
yeah and look at you now, your gonna be thin !! lol ! Ill be fine, gonna blitz the house next week. :D
Of course your right that all surgeries carry a risk but the point i was trying to make was that a bypass is a very major surgery compared to band which is a much shorter and simpler surgery and carries a much smaller risk of complications. A band has fatality rate of .5 % and a bypass a rate of 1.0 % and the recovery is very different, as in a bypass one consultant has to hold up the liver and if it is enlarged they cant do the op, so maybe the rules are diff from bypass to band concerning eating or not eating what ever you want the night b4 your op.

The nurse told us just one normal meal that is not on ur pre op liver shrinkage diet the night b4 your op can drastically change the size of ur liver hence it being a "no no " for a bypass.
I would of thought that all surgeons and nurses would give the same info for a bypass but like i said it could be totally different advice for a band op compared to the advice for a bypass, but as i have not had either procedure yet i can only go on what i have been told by a bariatric nurse and 2 bariatric consultants.

I hope i did not offend you as that was not the reason for any of my posts, and i totally understand that you were just offering advice on a question that was asked, and you are totally right in saying that we should all go on the advice our bariatric team have given us.
Take care luv Roch xxx

You didn't offend me at all :) we are all entitled to our opinions, we all mightn't agree with what others say but thats the beauty of Mini's...... everyone gets along no matter what

Kate x