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Last Supper

You didn't offend me at all :) we are all entitled to our opinions, we all mightn't agree with what others say but thats the beauty of Mini's...... everyone gets along no matter what

Kate x

Def true their hun xxxx
I was just talking about this with my Sis who is a Midwife in central London - she has done 3 months in her general surgical rotation and was telling me about the amount of patients who eat before (& night before) surgery and the mess their bowels make when under....she was saying about the messy job of emptying the bowels out while on the table....not pleasant for any of the theatre staff!

YKIMS Elffie!! Glad you decided to stick to the diet.
O.K. I'll add my 5 penny worth. I was told by my surgeon to have my last supper before pre-op so I did. I also guzzled pink champagne and copious amounts of wine with a fab gourmet dinner at a very posh venue. For some reason my brain thought that I'd never be able to do that again. Well now I know that I will be able to enjoy going out for dinner just in a different way. I'll be the person still eating my starter when everyone else is on the pud!! I guess it's a matter of balance (if I'd had balance in my diet I wouldn't have needed to have a band) and I am hoping that little by little I am getting there. So I guess what I'm saying is you just have to follow your surgeons advise - it's so worth it in the long run. Good luck with your pre-op.
I was just talking about this with my Sis who is a Midwife in central London - she has done 3 months in her general surgical rotation and was telling me about the amount of patients who eat before (& night before) surgery and the mess their bowels make when under....she was saying about the messy job of emptying the bowels out while on the table....not pleasant for any of the theatre staff!

YKIMS Elffie!! Glad you decided to stick to the diet.

:eek: Enough said!!
im just gonna jump back into this thread to say kate i hope i havent offended you by my comment yesterday as that wasnt my intention, thats why i started my thread "conflicts of interest" as all surgeons have different ways/ rules for there individual patients. what i meant to say is just because your surgeon says YOU can eat the night before your op then its not ok for you to say to other patients "have a blow out" as its risking there op and there life in theatre. THG doesnt suprise me at all giving patients bad advice but there you go, typical of them.

thanks for reading girls & boys.


liz x
i dont think anyone has offended anyone else in this thread, as Kate said its nice that we can all say what we want and think and there is no fighting.

I will be asking when I go on tuesday but not because I intend to do it, just now out of curiosity. If I hadnt asked on here I would have still asked BUT I would have also considered it more. Its nice to hear life experiences, such as the ones that came from the meeting Roch went to. Makes things step back into reality that it can affect your op. And there is no way Im coming out of there with a scar and no bypass lol:p
I'm just wondering if private patients get different advice than us NHS ones.ie are their surgeons less strict then ours, cos they are paying for their own ops?Not that it makes the size of the liver any different but....:confused:
ETA at the macca supoort group on wed night, the nurse told us that this week, up to Wed, 3 patients had come in with large livers, and had been opened up, and then closed up without the ops being done:(
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I'm just wondering if private patients get different advice than us NHS ones.ie are their surgeons less strict then ours, cos they are paying for their own ops?Not that it makes the size of the liver any different but....:confused:

That could be the case but my surgeon didn't give me that advice it was one of the nurses, she told me to have what I wanted but not to go mad!
im just gonna jump back into this thread to say kate i hope i havent offended you by my comment yesterday as that wasnt my intention, thats why i started my thread "conflicts of interest" as all surgeons have different ways/ rules for there individual patients. what i meant to say is just because your surgeon says YOU can eat the night before your op then its not ok for you to say to other patients "have a blow out" as its risking there op and there life in theatre. THG doesnt suprise me at all giving patients bad advice but there you go, typical of them.

thanks for reading girls & boys.


liz x

You didn't offend me Liz, im thick skinned so it takes alot to annoy me :)
That could be the case but my surgeon didn't give me that advice it was one of the nurses, she told me to have what I wanted but not to go mad!
That's cool, and i'm glad it all worked out well for you:DI just couldn't have taken the risk after waiting a year for my op:eek::eek:
I'm just wondering if private patients get different advice than us NHS ones.ie are their surgeons less strict then ours, cos they are paying for their own ops?Not that it makes the size of the liver any different but....:confused:
ETA at the macca supoort group on wed night, the nurse told us that this week, up to Wed, 3 patients had come in with large livers, and had been opened up, and then closed up without the ops being done:(

My op was private but surgeon said milk diet only for 7-10 days - last supper to be had before start of pre-op. Mind you surgeon is lovely (Shaw Somers) and would probably have done milk diet for 14 days if he's said so!!
My op was private but surgeon said milk diet only for 7-10 days - last supper to be had before start of pre-op. Mind you surgeon is lovely (Shaw Somers) and would probably have done milk diet for 14 days if he's said so!!
That makes more sense , last supper BEFORE pre op, not the night before the op:eek:.Mine was the same;)My surgeon is lovely too:p
Decided on a chinese for last supper before I start my pre op diet. :)

I have to admit I would have my last meal before starting the pre-op diet. Even when having 'normal' less invasive surgery you're usually advised to eat a light meal the night before and no eating after 8p.m. This is because of the risk of regurgitating food which could potentially go into the lungs causing major problems and even death. I am sure this would also be a factor in wls. I think you are right to ask a professional. The person who has to deal with the fall out will be the surgeon, so I think he is the person to ask. Don't forget that hospitals use agency staff, who may not be aufait with the protocols and repercussions of advice which would be fine in their usual field, but not in the field they are covering? At the end of the day Elfie you need to make your own mind up using the correct information to make an informed choice.

Why for the sake of 1 meal would anybody jeopardize their own health.We have all had a struggle with weight and the journey to surgery, surely for the sake of a meal its just not worth it. Be safe always and do not have a big meal the night before surgery.
as i said a few pages ago I have decided not to do it and to stick to my diet. I think it was always going to be the case I would stick to the diet, I just think I was having a weak moment:D