I left school at the request of my mom to look after Bev and the home. She would give me £1 a week in return.
She was now drinking a pint of sherry and 2 barley wines an evening and you could double that at weekends.
She continued to work at the garage and had now taken to staying late at the office on a Thursday as well as going out on a Saturday with Doug. The street abuse continued on almost a daily basis and in an effort to be discreet Doug would no loner pull up outside the house to pick her up. She would walk round the corner and her dropped her off there on an evening. He was giving her driving lessons and had apparently promised her a car out of the business. She passed her test and began to drive herself too and fro.
My eldest brother was one who would not keep his mouth shut as we all did and consiquently in a nasty altercation she chucked him out. I was heart broken although he was a terrible bully I worried about him in fact I idolised him. He got a crummy bedsit and I would sneak him food out of the cupboard and give him my £1 a week to help him. She didn't always give me this mind and if I needed sanitary towels it was tough, I had to use toilet paper or tissues. She was unbearably controlling and dominante. She would hit me around the head for next to no reason, threaten to knock my teeth out almost daily. She would put her face into mine and the look of hatred was over whelming and heart breaking. She would make me sit for 2-3 hours every night and she would say the most awful things. 'Look at you you fat pig' 'no-one in this house can stand you' you disgust me, I'll knock some of that fat off you, look at me when I talking to you you cheeky so and so or I will push you face in. She would pull her fist back, grit her teeth and ball in my face. She went on and on and on and on. If I made an escape to my room she would make me come down sit opposite her and start all over again. I can not tell you how worthless I felt, But the worst of it all was she would threaten to send Bev back to her mother daily. I had a mother daughter bond with this little one, I did absolutly everything for her. I carried her plasters and all on my hip until it bled. I kept her immacculate and she was well on her way to walking. Something they said she would never do. I live breathed and ate her as the saying goes. I lived under the constant threat I would lose her. I had no confidence and spent every night crying myself to sleep. If it hadn't have been for Bev I am sure I would have committed sucide. No-one only my younger brother would defend me, after one particular 3 hour abusing he stood up burst out crying and shouted'For God sake leave her alone, leave her, leave her! Look at her how sad she is. He then drove off on his new moped and went to Mosely Old Hall. Mom stood in amazement. totally dumb founded for around 10 seconds. She then threatend to punch my face in for causing him to be upset, on this occassion Dad joined in. Brian and I were really close and he was my life line. He had started work for Doug at the garage and was moms little hero. I didn't mind he deseved to be, he was mine too. He would sneak me money when she decided I wasn't having any. She bought him the moped to start work and so he didn't need to invade her time with Doug.
Doug taught me to drive and I then became her chauffer to when she needed, The abuse always carried on even when driving, she couldn't help herself.I shared her car.
I taught Brian to drive and she bought him a car as a surprise.
My elder brother Graham had found himself a girlfriend. She was married and she left her husband for him after only 6 weeks of marriage. Her marriage was annulled as she could not consumate the marriage as she suffered for a condition in which her vagina tensed so much she could not have intercourse. Mom loved her and treated her like a duchess. They decided to get married and mom planned and paid for it all at an exclusive country club. According to her they didn't want me at the wedding as they were ashamed of me? She paid for their honeymoon on the Isle of White and paid the deposit on a new build property. She kitted Pam out in all new honeymoon clothes and furnished the house for them.
I had a better realationship with Graham now. He was a bully in our childhood and one day I caught hold of him and flung him down the stairs after her was hitting Briam around the head when he had a migraine. I followed him two stairs at a time and punched his lights out.i had totally lost it, it took mom and dad to pull me off him. He never messed with me again! Pam, his wife couldn't believe how mom treated me. She would try and put on an act but once the liquer had kicked in she would start and Pam was frightened to death. She became my friend and would support me behind moms back she would buy me ear rings and little treats. Mom hated tha. Graham admitted to her this was how it had always been and he started to have compassion towards me. We got on well and as I loved him I was glad.
Our next door neighbours daughter got married 4 weeks after Graham and Pam and I remember mom taking her to the same shop called The Cat's Whiskers as she took Pam too. I would drive and wait in the car and Nicky came out with a dress for each evening of her 10 day honeymoon. The car was loaded and I was so envious but hurt. I had no decent underwear ect and here she was spending all this money on others, WHY? She would not let me clain any benefit and deprived me of everyday needs.
I had started to go out on a Friday and Monday and she would always start before I was due to leave. I need you to go to the outdoor first or you wont have the car, She would make me wait an hour sometimes knowing I was due to pick my friends up. She would by me a dress on accassions to go out but I always payed the price.
not being big headed I was pretty in my day and looked after myself on the cheap. I was about 11.5 stone but always drew guys attention. Doug would say I was beautiful and she hated it. She never ever told me I looked nice and she would be waiting for me to come home and she would as usual spit venom at me and would frequently say if I see you so much as glance in the direction of a mirror again I will smash your face in it. I would end 5/7 nights by making my escape when she stumbled to the loo and would fight for breath as I stifled my cry until in the solace of the bathroom or my room.
Brian had also met a married woman and fell in love, she had a son and once again mom paid the deposit for his new build and furnished it from top to bottom. Nothing but the best for Jane and son. Jane played her like a fiddle and took her for thousands one way and another. She would tell me I wasn;t fit to kiss ernie's (her nickname for Jane)
One evenng as I was going out she totally thew me. She said 'you look nice where you going?'. I had to look behind me to see who had walked in! I was astounded but so happy. Pathetic really. The next morning instead of the usual insult and spit, she said asked in areally quiet voice 'did you have a nice time?' I was walking on air, she loves me I think, I love that feeling.
My world came crashing down around 4pm that afternoon.
Linda, I want you to go to Garhams and tell him and Pam I need to see them I have something I need to tell you all. I dont want Brian and Janet here just you them and your father. OMG I do not know how my legs carried me to the car and I dont remember drivining. I was convinced she had lung cancer as she had been ill, and had to have an xray a few weeks earlier. My dad was Sh***** bricks I can tell you. It was the longest hour of my life.
Graham was ashen when I told him she needed him now.
She gathered us together shaking like a leaf and dropped the bombshell...........
To be continued.
She was now drinking a pint of sherry and 2 barley wines an evening and you could double that at weekends.
She continued to work at the garage and had now taken to staying late at the office on a Thursday as well as going out on a Saturday with Doug. The street abuse continued on almost a daily basis and in an effort to be discreet Doug would no loner pull up outside the house to pick her up. She would walk round the corner and her dropped her off there on an evening. He was giving her driving lessons and had apparently promised her a car out of the business. She passed her test and began to drive herself too and fro.
My eldest brother was one who would not keep his mouth shut as we all did and consiquently in a nasty altercation she chucked him out. I was heart broken although he was a terrible bully I worried about him in fact I idolised him. He got a crummy bedsit and I would sneak him food out of the cupboard and give him my £1 a week to help him. She didn't always give me this mind and if I needed sanitary towels it was tough, I had to use toilet paper or tissues. She was unbearably controlling and dominante. She would hit me around the head for next to no reason, threaten to knock my teeth out almost daily. She would put her face into mine and the look of hatred was over whelming and heart breaking. She would make me sit for 2-3 hours every night and she would say the most awful things. 'Look at you you fat pig' 'no-one in this house can stand you' you disgust me, I'll knock some of that fat off you, look at me when I talking to you you cheeky so and so or I will push you face in. She would pull her fist back, grit her teeth and ball in my face. She went on and on and on and on. If I made an escape to my room she would make me come down sit opposite her and start all over again. I can not tell you how worthless I felt, But the worst of it all was she would threaten to send Bev back to her mother daily. I had a mother daughter bond with this little one, I did absolutly everything for her. I carried her plasters and all on my hip until it bled. I kept her immacculate and she was well on her way to walking. Something they said she would never do. I live breathed and ate her as the saying goes. I lived under the constant threat I would lose her. I had no confidence and spent every night crying myself to sleep. If it hadn't have been for Bev I am sure I would have committed sucide. No-one only my younger brother would defend me, after one particular 3 hour abusing he stood up burst out crying and shouted'For God sake leave her alone, leave her, leave her! Look at her how sad she is. He then drove off on his new moped and went to Mosely Old Hall. Mom stood in amazement. totally dumb founded for around 10 seconds. She then threatend to punch my face in for causing him to be upset, on this occassion Dad joined in. Brian and I were really close and he was my life line. He had started work for Doug at the garage and was moms little hero. I didn't mind he deseved to be, he was mine too. He would sneak me money when she decided I wasn't having any. She bought him the moped to start work and so he didn't need to invade her time with Doug.
Doug taught me to drive and I then became her chauffer to when she needed, The abuse always carried on even when driving, she couldn't help herself.I shared her car.
I taught Brian to drive and she bought him a car as a surprise.
My elder brother Graham had found himself a girlfriend. She was married and she left her husband for him after only 6 weeks of marriage. Her marriage was annulled as she could not consumate the marriage as she suffered for a condition in which her vagina tensed so much she could not have intercourse. Mom loved her and treated her like a duchess. They decided to get married and mom planned and paid for it all at an exclusive country club. According to her they didn't want me at the wedding as they were ashamed of me? She paid for their honeymoon on the Isle of White and paid the deposit on a new build property. She kitted Pam out in all new honeymoon clothes and furnished the house for them.
I had a better realationship with Graham now. He was a bully in our childhood and one day I caught hold of him and flung him down the stairs after her was hitting Briam around the head when he had a migraine. I followed him two stairs at a time and punched his lights out.i had totally lost it, it took mom and dad to pull me off him. He never messed with me again! Pam, his wife couldn't believe how mom treated me. She would try and put on an act but once the liquer had kicked in she would start and Pam was frightened to death. She became my friend and would support me behind moms back she would buy me ear rings and little treats. Mom hated tha. Graham admitted to her this was how it had always been and he started to have compassion towards me. We got on well and as I loved him I was glad.
Our next door neighbours daughter got married 4 weeks after Graham and Pam and I remember mom taking her to the same shop called The Cat's Whiskers as she took Pam too. I would drive and wait in the car and Nicky came out with a dress for each evening of her 10 day honeymoon. The car was loaded and I was so envious but hurt. I had no decent underwear ect and here she was spending all this money on others, WHY? She would not let me clain any benefit and deprived me of everyday needs.
I had started to go out on a Friday and Monday and she would always start before I was due to leave. I need you to go to the outdoor first or you wont have the car, She would make me wait an hour sometimes knowing I was due to pick my friends up. She would by me a dress on accassions to go out but I always payed the price.
not being big headed I was pretty in my day and looked after myself on the cheap. I was about 11.5 stone but always drew guys attention. Doug would say I was beautiful and she hated it. She never ever told me I looked nice and she would be waiting for me to come home and she would as usual spit venom at me and would frequently say if I see you so much as glance in the direction of a mirror again I will smash your face in it. I would end 5/7 nights by making my escape when she stumbled to the loo and would fight for breath as I stifled my cry until in the solace of the bathroom or my room.
Brian had also met a married woman and fell in love, she had a son and once again mom paid the deposit for his new build and furnished it from top to bottom. Nothing but the best for Jane and son. Jane played her like a fiddle and took her for thousands one way and another. She would tell me I wasn;t fit to kiss ernie's (her nickname for Jane)
One evenng as I was going out she totally thew me. She said 'you look nice where you going?'. I had to look behind me to see who had walked in! I was astounded but so happy. Pathetic really. The next morning instead of the usual insult and spit, she said asked in areally quiet voice 'did you have a nice time?' I was walking on air, she loves me I think, I love that feeling.
My world came crashing down around 4pm that afternoon.
Linda, I want you to go to Garhams and tell him and Pam I need to see them I have something I need to tell you all. I dont want Brian and Janet here just you them and your father. OMG I do not know how my legs carried me to the car and I dont remember drivining. I was convinced she had lung cancer as she had been ill, and had to have an xray a few weeks earlier. My dad was Sh***** bricks I can tell you. It was the longest hour of my life.
Graham was ashen when I told him she needed him now.
She gathered us together shaking like a leaf and dropped the bombshell...........
To be continued.
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