Hi Princess,
I do believe in massage and the bio oil did fade my stretch marks that I had from my skin stretching, they are silver now and not too noticeable.
Before even starting my journey it was wondering about loose skin is really what held me back for years losing the weight and it was a throw away comment by my uncle when I was almost 13 stone and that was he looked at me at my other uncles funeral and said with a smirk...when you lose that weight your going to have awful problems with loose skin and wrinkles
I felt so scared...and shortly before that when I was doing WW one of those times

I met this woman who said, God, when you lose that weight you will have wrinkles like me
So everyone had their opinion...little did I think or know at the time I would go all the way to 18 stone.
I have lost six stone and so far so good...
I do a little bit of body brushing not as often as I use to and massage a few times a week, not as religious about it as I was.
Would like to lose another three stone for sure and maybe we will see then and I might go a bit further...depends.
I know for sure that I prefer the weight off as I feel so much better and healthier and happier in myself.
Love Mini xxx