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Lovelyzobo's second go! Revision diary..

Yay 2lb off! Xx
You found me! Xx
Well.....was a bit naughty, but period due next week and I NEVER loose anything then, so had a cheeky weigh in and.........15st2lb!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!

I've hit my 2 stone!!!! Sooooo chuffed. Four weeks for holibobs, really would love to be 15.9.....as that's just in the single poundage, and that always makes me a bit happier.....and a bit if leeway for those American meals!!!!!

:) :) xxx
Uhhhhhh yeah ooopsie! Wasn't planning on putting on 7lb!! Well you never know with my amazing, do what the hell it wants, body!!

But the aim is 14st9lb! Doh! Xxx xx
Going no where again, but trying to stay positive and not had an official weigh in this week as due on/now got period, so thought I would leave it until next week. Trying to be reasonable/sensible/practical is sooooooo hard! xxx
Wow! And I did manage to put that weight all on! 15st6lb today.....devastated.com.
Off now until Thursday night shift.....so going to try my hardest as have to use Thursday as my weigh day!

Think it's so hard as well as with a bypass I was loosing 4-6lb a week! This is so much more 'challenging'. Also in the back of my head.....is the coordinator at the wls clinic saying that I might not loose a lot approx 50% of my 'excess' weight......so I thought my 'excess' was 5 stone, which means theoretically I could only loose another 7lb?!!!! Which scares the heejeebies out of me!

But, I AM going to prove them wrong, I have decided! I am going to loose AlL of my excess weight! Think I need another goal after holibobs.......sooooo end of June for Glastonbury festival.....I want 3 stone off!!!

So, Friday June 19th. 14st 2lb!!! Xxx