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Lurker no more , life is leaner on the other side

Another Update.....

I've had an interesting week in terms of the pre op diet. I've lost 2kg which I'm relatively pleased with given that I didn't really feel to pushed on the atkins style diet the hospital gave me. I think I'll match or beat that in the week coming because I'm of to the gym a few times this week.

I'm still going to be chasing the hospital this week for a date for my pre op assesments etc. I really don't trust getting a letter through the post because of the spiradic nature of the postal strikes.

I went out with my mates last night/this morning. All I can say is that it was an experience, it wasn't a very good night, however I don't think that was down to me not drinking it was more to do with the location,crowd and DJ. I don't plan to have anything alcoholic until way after my surgey ...maybe around Xmas. I know a little goes a long way when you have a band apparently so it'll just be spirits and low cal mixers for me.

I hope everyone who visits this thread is doing well on their journey.
I wont make lots of new threads I think I'll just keep updating this one.
Hey Topboi,

It's really good to hear that things are going well or at least heading in the right direction. It's nice to hear about another younger person getting the band. I'm 23 and go in for my band on Monday.

When I had my first consultation with the Dr I met a woman in the waiting room. I thought she was going to make a "you're too young" comment when she said "you're ever so young aren't you?" but in fact she said that she wished she had got a band done years ago which was really lovely of her and gave me a good boost when I was feeling nervous.

I absolutely agree with her - better to get it done now if you can than wait for a few years and then still have the surgery anyway.

Good for you! and keep being pushy - he who dares wins!
Well done on getting this far i hope the rest of your journey is a good 1.
Im not much behind you i go for my bypass 6th nov
Good luck

I thought that I would drop in and update. Well my surgery has been put back a week to the week of the 9th November. Its a good thing I actively rang the hospital otherwise all my annual leave would be messed up.

I found out the change in date after chasing my pre op assesment. I sent two emails and kept on ringing until someone picked up. Finally got through to the clinical nurse specialist who was obviously caught unaware. It frustrates me when Trust's pretend to be accesible when your lucky to get through at any time of the day.

I'm tempted to come of the pre op diet but I have decided to keep going and see how it goes. I've lost 3kg about 6lbs since starting and I can feel it in my clothes alot.

I've been making good use of holland and barrats buy one get one half price deals. Ive brought thier hair skin and nails supplements plus I have been trying the different protein bar/drink brands. I really like the power pack bars and met rx pre mixed protein shakes

Anxious to get it over and done with now.
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Sorry to hear you have been messed about. The preparation is bad enough without having that.

Make sure you follow the diet and don't eat less than you have been advised, as being on the pre-op diet longer than normal could make you unfit for the op.

Good luck.
For those that are following (lots of views compared to replies) . I got an email today from trust for pre op assesment date. Really pleased as I was starting to worry and think funding maybe an issue etc.

Anyway the pre op assesment fell bang on the date and time which I have a presentation that I have organised and prepared for months at work. Luckily I've managed to get a date change and now the pre op is exactly one week before my op.

My op is now so close yet so far , I have been fighting for this for so long and can't believe that its finally happening.
Hi guys I thought I would update this post with how I've been coping on the pre op diet and also whats been going on with me... After stumbling over the diary section, Im happy for the mods to move this thread if they think it would be more suited to that section of the forum.

This week has been one of the most stressful weeks for me in a long time. The stress joined with the diet has been trying at times however I am still losing and I have now lost 5kg so thats 10lb gone. I feel much more confident and I'm moving more freely in some of my clothes.

I'm going to really try and keep going with the weight loss until the surgery date and next week I intend to get back in to the gym and go about 5 times....yes it is alot but they will be short sessions as I can't stay for too long because if I do I'm tempted to start doing weights....and no matter how many times I say im going to do low weights and high reps, the competitive streak in me wants to do better that the bloke next to me.....so I end up lifting double the size weights and gaining in the process.

This week has really been a rollercoaster, however it has been very succesful for me and all the trials and tribulations where worth it. I had the big presentation at work which I had been organising for quite some time...the one that clashed with my pre op assesment, in addition to that a close family relative was undergoing WLS and having a gastric bypass done on exactly the same day. They are now doing very well and hopefully they will relay some of their experiences on this board one day or possibly via me.

Im actually really glad that my preop assesment wasn't last week as I felt really strange and had a phantom stomach problem. I put it down to the Ostriche I tried last sunday..it was very nice and well cooked so it could of been something else.
I have been following your journey mate and you really have been up and down havent u? It really will be worth all of this in the end! Stick with the pre op diet and keep looking forward to a new you!

With the gym situation - i do exactly the same - its a bloke thing!!!!!

Keep ya chin up matey
Hi everyone,

Im back.

I had the surgery at around 3pm Tuesday afternoon and everything went well.

Had some great company in the hospital, I was put on a general ward but the guy next to me who was about the same age got a band fitted aswell. When they weighed me at hospital I was down by 9kgs so I am really happy I got a really good jump start.

Surgeon said I had surprisingly low levels of fat inside me (maybe I was really just big boned) and that when I come for my first fill he will start me of at 7.5ml as the band is rattling around inside of me.

I didn't expect the level of pain which I am currently in, however it is bareable. They have put me on tramadol and paracetomal. I also have the injections twice a day, forceval, anti sickness etc etc.

I've just come back from the shops and warmed up a protein shake in the microwave. My diet sheet is really clear with good examples so I'm in the know about what I can and cant have.

I feel full after two sips of anything. I am struggling with water but my Mum is keeping a close eye on me.
Hi and congratulations on finally getting your band fit! I also had my band operation on Tuesday morning, so i'm in the same boat as you at the moment. Although I seem to be able to get more fluids down than a couple of sips at the moment, although there is nothing in my band at the moment, first fill in 4 weeks time.
I know what you mean about the pain, mine hurts if I move too suddenly and whenever I sit or lie down or get up, but i'm hoping it'll get better in a few days.
Anyway, take care and hope you're feeling better soon :)
Good luck topboi, here's hoping everything goes smoothly and to plan for you xx