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Mirror, mirror on the wall.....Wait, who are you?

NOMOREyoyo said:
I am saving for botox and fillers - I am not going down without a fight :) lol x

Lol!!!!' I am saving for tits lol. I am not losing my twins for anything lol

Ruthie: I do feel like being fat makes me look old and frumpy. So I understand your point. I cant wait to be in fashionable or classic cut clothes. My swagger will be on point! Lol!!!

I loved the 'what I save only food bill'. I hadn't thought of that.

I have a few holistic therapist friends. So will make sure I pamper myself x
Hi fuffs,

Since my bypass my confidence has grown so much,I don't take any rubbish from anyone now.
Where as before I felt I was too fat to complain or bring attention to myself.
Sometimes I need to watch what I do say!
I am saving for botox and fillers - I am not going down without a fight :) lol x
botox and fillers ...bah, nips,tucks, you name it i'll be having it.....1st off legs, thighlift , then next bngo wings and butt lift ( dont have much of a tummy...or puppies, real pear shape) bypass is just phase one.... let the reconstruction commence!:D
emma-louise said:
Hi fuffs,

Since my bypass my confidence has grown so much,I don't take any rubbish from anyone now.
Where as before I felt I was too fat to complain or bring attention to myself.
Sometimes I need to watch what I do say!


That's brilliant Emma. I hope I am the same as you :)
kate thomson said:
botox and fillers ...bah, nips,tucks, you name it i'll be having it.....1st off legs, thighlift , then next bngo wings and butt lift ( dont have much of a tummy...or puppies, real pear shape) bypass is just phase one.... let the reconstruction commence!:D

Lol!!!! I love it!! I agree with your thoughts. May as well go the whole shebang to beauty lol
I do worry that I'll have some sort of dissassociation...I already feel like I have it a little as I never felt like I was 30 stone and when I looked in the mirror I didn't think I looked 30 stone. I worry that I won't connect with the person I see in the mirror, or worse that I won't recognise my weightloss and will end up being someone who still isn't happy with their body.
Yvessa said:
I do worry that I'll have some sort of dissassociation...I already feel like I have it a little as I never felt like I was 30 stone and when I looked in the mirror I didn't think I looked 30 stone. I worry that I won't connect with the person I see in the mirror, or worse that I won't recognise my weightloss and will end up being someone who still isn't happy with their body.

I've got to say after I was a size 26 and now I'm 10/12 I sometimes feel like I'm dreaming looking at my new self in the mirror,especially my new found booty! X
if i had the money i was be pulling it in and sucking it out EVERYWHERE!!!!!

thankfully my hubby loves me the way i am, and i very much doubt he will grumble at more sex haha....

me? i want to look good in my clothes, i want to feel confident when i walk into a board meeting, i want to feel confident when i go to parents evening, i want to be confident in driving that little sports car (who wants to see a fat chick in a sports car!!!!)

this will change how i feel about myself, my confidence but i very much doubt ill lose the *imfat* bubbly personality....so im just gonna be one great slim, attractive confident and funny person....all from an op! ha..
MissyMustDoIt said:
if i had the money i was be pulling it in and sucking it out EVERYWHERE!!!!!

thankfully my hubby loves me the way i am, and i very much doubt he will grumble at more sex haha....

me? i want to look good in my clothes, i want to feel confident when i walk into a board meeting, i want to feel confident when i go to parents evening, i want to be confident in driving that little sports car (who wants to see a fat chick in a sports car!!!!)

this will change how i feel about myself, my confidence but i very much doubt ill lose the *imfat* bubbly personality....so im just gonna be one great slim, attractive confident and funny person....all from an op! ha..

Lol,,, who wants to see a fat chick in a sports car! Made me laugh
I can't even imagine being able to look in the mirror and liking what I see. Bring on 2012! This year is going to be life changing!
I can't even imagine being able to look in the mirror and liking what I see. Bring on 2012! This year is going to be life changing!

all my mirrors are head height,i like my face, its not a fat face, i have nice hair, and i make an effort with my makeup, nails, eyebrows etc...after my op...eventually lol ill be lowering the mirrors slowly until they are full length,

break myself in slowly lol
MissyMustDoIt said:
all my mirrors are head height,i like my face, its not a fat face, i have nice hair, and i make an effort with my makeup, nails, eyebrows etc...after my op...eventually lol ill be lowering the mirrors slowly until they are full length,

break myself in slowly lol

Yes me too,now I have a full length mirror to look at all my fab clothes I can wear x
The fact is, for me anyway, people generally guess at me being 10 years younger than I actually am.

I worry that, as I lose the weight, the fat holding the skin taut will (obviously) disappear and I will end up looking older than I am!

Me to Tatiana! People always guess I'm about 10-12 years younger than I am. I'm hoping I'll look even younger when I'm skinny!
People guess me older than 30. So I am hoping slim makes me look younger.

I have loved the answers on here. Some humorous and some just lovely. You guys are great :)
Well all my life I have felt the ugly sister. I am 10 years younger than my sister who when younger was the village beauty queen . She was very slim , blonde and very pretty and boy did she just love it! She would lap it all up. I was the youngest of the family and we had two brothers in between Bev and I . Bev would be upstairs pampering herself while I was downstairs fighting with the boys. My brothers taught me how to fight ! So I was the tomboy I had ponies and was spoilt but I knew I would never have the looks. At 16 I had my daughter and back then in 1979 it was the end of the world but I married my then boyfriend at 18 and we are still married today 30 yrs ! Who said it wouldn't last !
So after now losing nearly 7 stone I am slimmer than my sister ! Oh how the tables are gonner turn ! Bev and I are off to Egypt on 19th jan just the two of us and she will be the fatty on the beach for once !
She is around 15 stone and shorter than me so is at least 2 or maybe 3 sizes bigger in clothes and just for once I want to feel the pretty one is this so bad ? I don't feel 48 to be honest and I don't think my face has changed much but I was always pear shaped but now I am a 14 top and 14 bottom with no fat on my backside at all. I have kept my bust , well some of it ! And I have very small amount of loose skin on the top of my thighs but my daughter said I don't so maybe it's just me. hubby said if it worries me he will pay for tummy tuck and new boobs which has now made me think I've been fooling myself and I am all baggy ! Oh will I ever be happy with what I see in the mirror ? I doubt it.
Oh I forgot to add i drive a new Astra convertible and my sister drives a corsa so this summer it's going to be me driving around topless ! And by then I'll be 49 but who cares !
Lol...I ain't bragging but
I get asked for ID when I tryed to purchase some alcohol (wasnt for me may I add) in the shops.I told other half and he said I was being daft,until a woman asked again another time in front of him...lol I was chuffed as hell !
At 63 I'm unlikely to get asked for ID when buying alchohol but it would be nice if people didn't think I was that old! You can look at my pic and decide, it was taken yesterday at my DIL's house. I have 35 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren btw, that is when people start looking amazed :) Great grandmothers are OLLLLDDD, right? I was one at 57, and a grandma at 38....
Ruthiep said:
At 63 I'm unlikely to get asked for ID when buying alchohol but it would be nice if people didn't think I was that old! You can look at my pic and decide, it was taken yesterday at my DIL's house. I have 35 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren btw, that is when people start looking amazed :) Great grandmothers are OLLLLDDD, right? I was one at 57, and a grandma at 38....

Oh my word 35 grandchildren,8 g.grandchildren...I'm lost for words xx