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Mirror, mirror on the wall.....Wait, who are you?

Oh my word 35 grandchildren,8 g.grandchildren...I'm lost for words xx

So far! Another ggchild expected any day now. None of my kids are pg as far as I know, but the total isn't a final one there either lol :) And the married grandkids have only just started! I'm happy I'll hopefully be slim and well to enjoy them all, not fat, and crippled with my arthritis.
happyhilary said:
Oh I forgot to add i drive a new Astra convertible and my sister drives a corsa so this summer it's going to be me driving around topless ! And by then I'll be 49 but who cares !

I think your desire to feel what it is like to be the more attractive one is normal. Partly sibling rivalry and partly for your confidence building :)

I bet your car is wicked :D

Enjoy the new you!!! Embrace the attractiveness you have always thought was not there. It was only because you felt in the shadow of your sister, that you couldnt see your true beauty reflected St you.

You go girl!!!! :D
Hilary, I completely understand! My sister was always much thinner than me and got all the attention. I had boys in school tell me how beautiful my sister was. Not a fun thing to hear. I have always had a bad self image. Now, my sister and I are about the same size. I am excited to see what it feels like to be the skinny sister! I love my sister dearly and wish she could do this with me!
lol i actually said as much to my sister yesterday....she was always the skinny one, 18 months younger than me....she did get fat once...i loved it lol but then she lost it again :/

i will feel a little bit smug to be smaller than her, its been a long time coming!, or excited to share her clothes....but more than that, I will feel happy
MissyMustDoIt said:
lol i actually said as much to my sister yesterday....she was always the skinny one, 18 months younger than me....she did get fat once...i loved it lol but then she lost it again :/

i will feel a little bit smug to be smaller than her, its been a long time coming!, or excited to share her clothes....but more than that, I will feel happy

My sister was smaller than me,,,now I am!
It's great x
Yes fluffs my car is my baby ! My boys thought I was raving mad when I said I had orders it .but if they cod they would be driving it .

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I don't know about the rest of you, but I find my view of body image changes as I get fatter and thinner...ie when I'm fat, I see other fat people and think "Oh they're not so bad", then when I get slimmer I think they look so big! I'm sort of half way now as I'm not skinny or fat at the moment (12.6) But large women look large to me now, not as they did when I was their size, which was normal.
I totally understand what you mean Ruthie! lol
Ruthiep said:
I'm glad you do, I was re-reading my post and not sure I understood it myself LOL!

Well I understood it as when I was at my biggest and didn't see others as looking very big. When I was a lot lighter, I saw people at the size I got to as massive. It's like my perception of other overweight people changes with my waist size lol

I never feel nasty towards anyone though :)
Well I understood it as when I was at my biggest and didn't see others as looking very big. When I was a lot lighter, I saw people at the size I got to as massive. It's like my perception of other overweight people changes with my waist size lol

I never feel nasty towards anyone though :)

Nor do I , I hope!
I would agree. Ex big people who are nasty about big people are very annoying. And you are lovely. There's the proof lol
Ruthiep said:
:giggle: Aww thank you! So are you!

Thanks Ruthie!!!! :)