The last 7 weeks have been utter chaos with my son being critically ill in hospital. He’s still in and has another surgery this Friday. Hopefully, he will be able to go home the week after. I feel that my eating hasn’t been a focus in this time. I spent a lot of time not eating and then eating bits of rubbish so I was getting something in. Then I was away last week and was eating more carbs than I like to in the hope of avoiding numerous amounts of sickness. I sat yesterday and thought about how I can combat this sickness business. I went food shopping and spent a long time there (husband almost sent a search party). Life can and has become so busy and it’s easy to push yourself/getting to grips with eating to one side. I think this is me! I’ve also realised that my problem with regurgitation seems to be when I try to eat a ‘normal’ meal (small portion). So, having salmon and veg or tuna salad. I don’t seem to have a problem if I separate my food groups. I’ve eaten Heck Italia sausages on their own (only manage about 1) and it stays down. If I put that with something else it comes back. If I eat tuna mayo on its own, it’s ok. I’ve decided to make small protein pots for the day and split my food groups. I’ve bought some children’s packed lunch type fruit bags. I am enjoying eating fruit & fibre cereal as I feel I am eating a normal meal and can eat it with ease. The problem is, it’s not too great on the protein front. However, I’ve discovered protein granola! Oh my! It’s delicious! 45g gives 12g of protein and only 20g of carbs. I’ve just eaten it and to be honest 45g is a struggle. It might be ok on other days or in an evening. This is now my new favourite and then there’s the protein from milk to add. I am going to give up trying mini meals and just do up to 6 mini protein hits throughout the day.
The dietician phoned me to see how I’m getting on. She was really pleased with my weight loss. I spoke about the above with her and she thinks it is a good idea. I’m concerned I may need a stretch, but she thinks it could just be a matter of time before I can tolerate certain foods more. She said it doesn’t matter if I’m not eating a variety of foods at the same time, but just that I’m getting the food groups in and a good amount of protein. She asked what I ate yesterday and I told her. I admitted to having a cup of tea and 1 biscuit last night and she started asking about protein alternatives! I wanted a bloody biscuit, so I had one!! What I didn’t mention was my first real episode of dumping. I went to the hospital to visit my son and took him some triple chocolate cookies. He’s lost 3.5 stone in weight. Everyone had a cookie and I broke a third of a cookie off and had that. Within 20 minutes I started to feel dizzy/faint, the need to lie down and sick. I had to go to the toilet, which was quite a distance away and I thought I was going to pass out! I didn’t know which end to put on the toilet first! I was sick and then went to the loo. I felt better after this but Joey was grumbling a lot. I think I’ve got pretty cocky with not dumping and being able to eat bits of chocolate etc. I found another great protein snack which I’d had before going to the hospital ... sweet chilli flavour edamame beans 6g protein per 30g. They are high in fat and I’m wondering if this contributed to the dumping after eating the section of cookie.
On another note. My weight loss has been slower this month but I have had my holiday mixed in. I do my measurements about once a month and have lost 8 inches this month. I lost 6 inches last month and I’d lost more weight last month. So it just goes to show, if the scales aren’t moving as fast the inches still can!